
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2005-01-05
  • 唱片公司:薄荷葉樂團
  • 类型:录音室专辑


薄荷葉樂團成立於1998年,由主唱兼吉他手林倩、吉他手鍾語桐、BASS手Jubow(高家幃)、鼓手滾滾(呂孟芝)組成,以搖滾為基底,搭配具有詩意的歌詞,展現迷幻又華麗的吉他技巧,曲風多變,現場演出爆發力十足。 薄荷葉第二張專輯《的士房間Taxi Room》於2005年發行,收錄樂團2001至2004四年間的12首創作,任意的曲風依舊在甜美靜謐與黑暗狂躁間遊走,收錄包括〈神的小羊〉、〈粉紅電台頭〉、〈1979〉、〈愛的大未來〉等知名歌曲,至今仍被視為薄荷葉經典之作。 the Peppermints are a Taiwan indie rock band formed in 1998. The band consists of Shine(vocals/guitar), Tonpa (lead guitar), Jubow(bass) and Aki(drums) since 2018. Based on rock, they have diverse, psychedelic guitar play with delicate lyrics. Drawing inspiration from a variety of genres, their music contains elements of punk, psychedelic rock, garage rock and blues. And they also have impressive tensions in the live performances. The second album Taxi Room was released in 2005, which has been the most well-known album of the Peppermint. Arbitrary as usual, in this album they described love and death, sweetness and darkness in life through 12 songs, including “Lamb of God”, “Pink Radiohead”, “1979” and “Love to the future”.
