
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2021-07-05
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


《流浪的光》 光也有独特的记忆—— 当光穿透树林时,它就有了形状; 当浪花泛起时,光就有了生命; 当光被月球反射时,它便有了情感; 当山石将一束光分割成两个整体后,光就有了影子。 献给—— 流浪在这颗美丽的星球上,每一个孤独的灵魂。 音乐是一种无形的语言;而流浪,是刻画孤独的另一种方式。深爱着光,海,月,山,林的人,也许他们都是孤独的。那些无处安放灵魂而选择流浪的,都是这个星球上最美的光。 创作灵感来源于人类情绪中最真实的映射...当存于悲伤中时,为了减轻悲伤带来的困扰,我们选择去刻意忽视这种感觉;久而久之当幸福降临时,我们却变得麻木了。在与无数个日夜的自己对峙后;是真正的无所畏惧了,还是被麻痹了知觉呢?埋没在人海里,我们或许从未去寻找真正的自己,认为受到了保护;后来却发现自己已经成为一种极端。 什么是心灵的归宿?在自然界中,能让流浪者感受到光芒,感受到温度的地方,就是属于他们的归宿了。请勇敢地挣脱情感世界的束缚,成为一束浪漫的光,一往无前地追逐心灵的彼岸。 躯体自由并不是真正的自由,心灵自由才是真正的自由。流浪,并非穷困潦倒而四处流弃,而是一种洒脱的释怀。光,在自然界中流浪;每一颗音符都守护着内心世界,并为流浪者吟唱,为流浪者呐喊。 黑白键交错起伏,八度之间的纠缠与碰撞;慷慨激昂的弦乐不断牵引着内心色彩的跳动,歌曲最后的吟唱如同解开了心结一般不再沉默;此时,流浪的光绽放它最美的一刻,也像是某种释怀。 请别让善意湮灭,尽管一切并没有憧憬的那么圆满,也希望你可以尽力将温暖留住,留给世界。 《江南游侠》 血气方刚的侠客,四海为家; 如果世人都选择回避,那么谁来为世界发声;永远审判黑白,永远歌颂正义。 寄宿南夷人家,浪迹天涯;也许遗憾的是没人能够走近他的世界,去感受他的柔情。一生也许很短,按自己的意愿充实地过完一生,也是人生中最好的归宿。 这是一首中国古风歌曲,运用了笛子、扬琴、古筝..... 钢琴演奏勾勒出充满风情的江南水乡;整体旋律会有一点轻快,有时又会有一些悲壮,去凸显侠客的孤独,也像是在表达一种遗憾;扬琴灵活地演奏会感觉有一种不羁的情怀,就像剑客一样。行侠仗义,又洒脱地挥手离去。 《Embankment of Seagull》 人类,是大自然的生灵。 人类因大自然而美丽,大自然因人类而充满魅力。 和平,人类的真正意义。 在这首曲子里,用壮美的弦乐描绘出一个和平的地球大家园,憧憬人类与大自然共同达到繁荣的盛景。 《航海》 本以为所有的梦想只要经过不断追逐就可以触摸到现实的边缘,然而我们却有可能永远都在突破梦境边缘的尝试中,最后迷失在海洋里。 年轻的水手,渺小的帆船,在苍茫大海中孤独地航行。有一天会被遗忘,人们将不再记得他年轻的模样。但不论怎样,也勇往直前去寻找属于他的岛屿。 每个人都有自己的使命。 《流浪钢琴家》 不去渴望人们敬仰的高贵;敬畏生命,也不畏惧离去; 当最后一篇乐章被奏响时;钢琴家和他的音乐一起,带着回忆,永远地流浪在大自然的痕迹里,并为世界留下了最后的温柔。 《坠落的黎明》 夜晚与白昼交界的标志是太阳升起;它有还一个名字,称为黎明坠落。 让黎明划破黑夜的天空—— 黑夜里的所有不安与沮丧都消逝了,新的希望又重新燃起。请感受黎明的气息,感受这份心灵的力量。 《海岸黄昏》 烈焰燃尽,给予温柔的光芒。在海岸边感受夜幕前的黄昏;这是大自然赠予的温柔,一种永恒的浪漫。 结语: 世界上所有感动到我的瞬间,我都用心体会;并写进音乐里,写进这张专辑<流浪的光>。 [ Wandering Light ] Even a beam of light has its exclusive memory. When a light filters through a forest, it gets a shape; When a light met the flowing waves, it becomes alive; When a light is reflected by the Moon, it has its own feeling; When a light was separated by rocks, it met its shadow. Dedicated to—— Wandering on this beautiful planet, every lonely soul. Music is an invisible language and wandering is another way of portraying loneliness. People who have deep love for light, sea, moon, mountain and forest can also have the feeling of loneliness. Those who have no place to place their soul and choose to be wanderers, are the most beautiful light on this planet. Inspiration comes from the truest reflection of human emotions. When sinking in sorrow, we choose to ignore the feeling in order to alleviate the distress. However, as time passes, when happiness finds us, we become numb. After countless days and nights of self-confrontation, are we becoming truly fearless, or just paralyzed? Buried in a sea of faces, we may never find our true selves and feel protected, only to find that we’ve already become a certain kind of extremities. Where is our spiritual home? In nature, where the homeless can feel light and heat is their home. Please bravely free yourself from the chain of emotion and become a romantic light, which keeps moving forward to reach the other shore of soul. The freedom of the body is not the real freedom, the one of the mind is the real one. Wandering does not mean being poor and abandoned, but free and easy. Light, wanders in nature. Each note guards the inner world, singing and shouting for the wanderers. Black and white piano keys up and down, tones range from different octaves; the impassioned strings are constantly pulling the beating of the color of the inner heart, and the last chanting is no longer silent as if it had undone the knot in mind. This moment, the wandering light blooms its greatest beauty, which is also like a kind of relief. Please don't let the kindness buried in oblivion. Although everything is not so perfect as expected, hope you can try your best to keep the warmth, keep it for the world. [Paladin in Jiangnan] Swordsmen, young and bold, are real cosmopolitans; If all the people choose to avoid, then who will speak for the world? Always being fair and just, always eulogize the justice. He lodges at the South part of the nation and roves all over the world. Perhaps it is a pity that no one can get close to his world and feel his tenderness. Life may be brief, but acting on one’s own can also be a great way of living. This song belongs to the ancient Chinese music genre and is composed of the sound of flute, dulcimer, zither and so on. Piano outlines the amorous feelings of the Jiangnan water towns; The melody can be both light and tragic. It is a way to highlight the loneliness of the paladin and it also seems to express a kind of regret; the dulcimer will bring you a kind of unruly and chivalrous feelings, just like a swordsman does. Chivalrous, and then free and easy to leave away. ( Jiangnan, in a broad sense, refers to the area south of the Yangtze River in China ) [Embankment of Seagull] Human beings are the creatures of nature. Man is beautiful because of nature, and nature is full of charm because of man. Peace—the true meaning of humanity. In this song, the magnificent string music depicts a peaceful earth, looking forward to the harmony and co-prosperity of man and nature. [Sailing] People thought that all dreams can come true as long as we keep chasing them. However, we may always stay in the edge of our dreams, keep trying to break through all the barriers and finally get lost in the ocean of life. A young sailor with his tiny ship sails on the vast sea. Although one day he will be forgotten and no one will remember him as a young man, he keeps going ahead and trying to find his own island. Each one of us have a soul mission from the universe. [Wandering Pianist] Live without longing for the dignities admired by others, but with the fear of life and fearlessness of leaving. When the last movement is played, the pianist, with his music and memories, wandering in the traces of nature, and left the last tenderness for the world. [Falling Dawn] The boundary between night and day is marked by the rising of the sun. It also has another name—the Dawn Fall. Just let the dawn break the night sky— All the uneasiness and despondency of the night faded away, and new hopes were rekindled. Please feel the breath of dawn as well as the power from your heart. [Dusk on the shore] Flames burn out, giving gentle light to the world. Do you feel the dusk before night on the shore? This is nature's gift of tenderness, a kind of eternal romance. Epilogue: I feel every moment in life with my heart and soul, then transfer those beautiful memories to music, composing the album ——Wandering Light
