

简介: 歌手纳瓦:Najwa Karam is a Lebanese singer, often referred to as Shams el-Ghinnieh el-Arabiyeh (The Sun of Arabic song).<br/> Her singing career began in the late 1980s, with moderate success, but her major successes began in the mid-90s. Karam is known for her instantly recognizable voice and distinct Lebanese singing accent. Her critics believe that her &quot;loyalty&quot; to the Lebanese song is one of her major flaws.<br/> Najwa Karam is one of the most active Lebanese singers - participating in numerous festivals and concerts around the globe, and has received a number of awards from various distinguished bodies.<br/> Najwa Nicola Karam was born on February 26, 1966, in Zahle, Lebanon, to parents Mr. Karam Karam and Mrs. Barbara Shaheen Karam. She is the youngest of five children, having an older sister, Salwa, and three older brothers, Tony, Jean and Niqoula. She spent her childhood in Zahle, in the care of her parents and older brothers. From an early age, Najwa was known among her friends and relatives for her powerful singing voice, but her parents emphasized the need for an education and a stable career over entertaining.<br/> 演员纳瓦:个人简介<br/> 昵称:Pong/pong nawat<br/> 全名:Nawat Kulrattanarak<br/> 中文音译:纳瓦·君拉纳拉<br/> 生日:1978/10/07<br/> 星座:天枰座<br/> 身高:182cm.<br/> 体重:67 kg.<br/> 职业:泰国男演员<br/> 语言:泰语、英语<br/> 血型:O型<br/> 眼睛颜色:黑<br/> 头发颜色:黑<br/> 出生地:泰国曼谷<br/> 喜爱运动:足球、羽毛球<br/> 学历:St. Gabriel中学 小学到高中<br/> Kasetsart大学经济学学士学位<br/> Chulalongkorn University朱拉隆宫大学经济学硕士学位<br/> 主要作品<br/> 《凤凰血》<br/> 《空姐之争》<br/> 《无忧花开》<br/> 《黑色幽默》<br/> 《欢喜冤家》<br/>《明天我依然爱你》<br/> 《丘比特的圈套》<br/> 运动员纳瓦:个人简介<br/> 姓名:劳尔·纳瓦<br/> 国籍:墨西哥<br/> 出生日期:1990-09-17<br/> 出生地点:墨西哥墨西哥城<br/> 身高:183.0CM<br/> 体重:72.0KG<br/> 场上位置:前锋<br/> 现效力球队:托卢卡<br/> 球衣号码:19号<br/>职业生涯<br/> 劳尔·纳瓦是一名前锋,现在效力于托卢卡足球俱乐部。<br/>



