

性别:男 出生地:吉林省松原市 民族:蒙古族 星座:金牛座 生肖:鸡 血型:O 生日:1993年05月03日 职业:音乐人、诗人、舞者 毕业院校:中国人民大学 学历(学位):硕士 简介:何石,1993年5月出生于吉林省,蒙古族,O型血,毕业于中国人民大学,硕士学位,音乐人/插画师/舞者/诗人,音乐作品细腻温柔,表现多种情绪与氛围,他有很多灵感,多是即兴完成,专辑《新配乐》中多首作品从零到发行仅弹了一次,即在录音过程中从零创作,即兴一次便完成创作,其中一些作品被网易评为轻音乐精选。大学时学习过一点钢琴和小提琴,后自学,无师自通的他参加第二届网易云音乐校园歌手大赛获得专家推荐,并在2014年获世界华文创意写作协会认证初级华文创意师会员资格。没有学过作曲的他,在发行第二首单曲后,被boe青睐,受邀制作原创。2019年3月,成功签约全球领先音乐电商平台,成为旗下音乐制作人,并在多家音乐电商平台相继提供配乐作品,不仅是一名轻音创作者,还是一名多流派音乐人,他觉得自己的灵感应该好好传递,如果灵感适合用钢琴诉说,他会去用钢琴,如果灵感应该被唱出来,那么他会去唱歌。小时候,在哥哥那里听到了当下的流行音乐,感受到了音乐的魅力,小学开始买来磁带听,初中变成了班里的一名小歌手,每逢班里有活动就会带来表演,上了大学后,学习了一点钢琴/小提琴,总和朋友去唱k,一点点在实践中知道了气息的使用和混声等技巧,还在大学时演讲 《中国流行音乐史》,写的论文更是与众不同,题目为 《创意写作的创意性》,他真的是一个特别的人。因为高中时就能把很多听到的曲子在键盘上弹出来,所以他开始作曲,在零碎时间里,他写下了一些点滴的灵感,在大学毕业后将音乐制作发行,获得了一致好评,并有多首作品被多家企业用作项目背景音乐,其中不乏有大企业的大项目,包括纪录片《沁园艺术家》/上海垃圾分类公益视频/电视剧《飞天英雄》等。现在,每天都有很多人听他的歌,这让他感到很开心。2020年,他开始画一些服装图案,在没有学过摄影的情况下,向艺术品电商平台投递作品,《远山》/《流逝》等作品被艺网选为签约艺术品。同年获得第四届中国诗歌奖银奖,作品《梦想》/《一个地方》/《黑白》刊登在《中国易安诗词文艺》上,并加入北京市燕山文联文学协会。诗歌作品发表于《新诗歌》、《中国易安诗词文艺》、《青海湖诗潮》、中国新诗社《诗》等刊物,携诗歌作品《梦想》入《中国作家诗人大辞典》。并参与2021年度这就是街舞节目设计,也是时空俱乐部的一员。 荣誉记录:主要成绩: 《阳光甚好,微风不噪》被用作短视频拍摄超六十万次 《海鸥的夏天》被用作住家的饭vlog等项目背景音乐 《匆匆》被用作泰康人寿广告片等背景音乐 《阳光甚好,微风不噪》被用作华为/仲景/薇婷/央视/领跑汽车/一禅小和尚/成都地铁/独立电影等背景音乐 《温柔似水》被用作美的电器/一叶子/短视频等项目背景音乐 《遇见心动》被用作京东年货节病毒视频/飞猪/玉双/三分星野等项目背景音乐 《wet sunset》被用作触漫app/独立电影节等项目背景音乐 《虫鸣夜的海滩》被用作腾讯h5梦想倒计时/电视剧《飞天英雄》/circle珠宝品牌展示等项目背景音乐 《看见自己》被用作京东暖气广告片等背景音乐 《潮夕》被用作玉双粘豆包/大千等项目背景音乐 《白粥》被用作丁香妈妈等项目背景音乐 《一名焦虑症患者的自救》被用作unny等广告 《阳光甚好,微风不燥》进入抖音慵懒歌单 并在成都地铁播放 多数作品在亚朵酒店播放 Main achievements: "Sunshine is good, breeze is quiet" was used as a short video for more than 600000 times "Summer of seagulls" was used as the background music for home meals, vlog and other projects "Hurry" was used as the background music of Taikang Life Insurance advertising film "The sunshine is very good, the breeze is not noisy" was used as the background music of Huawei / Zhongjing / Weiting / CCTV / leading car / a Zen monk / Chengdu Metro / independent films "Gentle as water" was used as background music for projects such as Midea electric appliances / a leaf / short video "Meet the heart" was used as the background music of Jingdong New Year's festival virus video / Flying Pig / Jade double / Sanfen Xingye and other projects "Wet sunset" was used as background music for projects such as touch man app / Independent Film Festival "The beach in the night of insects" was used as the background music for Tencent H5 dream countdown / TV drama "flying heroes" and circle jewelry brand display "I see myself" was used as background music for Jingdong heating advertising film Chaoxi was used as background music for projects such as jade double sticky Bean Bag / Daqian "White porridge" was used as background music for projects such as "mother clove" "Self rescue of an anxiety patient" was used as an advertisement such as unny "The sunshine is very good, the breeze is not dry" entered the lazy song list of Tiktok And broadcast in Chengdu Metro Most of the works are broadcast in Yaduo hotel 早年经历: 他是他家第二个孩子,他还有一个姐姐,从小他就很内向害羞,小时候写完作业就趴在桌子上画画,一画就是好几个小时,他画过七龙珠,画过数码宝贝,画过许许多多的动漫人物,他画了两大本的动漫人物,还画过一点漫画书,每个人物都惟妙惟肖。他在画画时喜欢听音乐,除了擅长画画,他还擅长写作,三年级第一次上作文课,就写出了一篇范文被老师在课堂上念给大家听,在那之后,他有时会写一些小东西,例如改编或是创作歌词。 上小学时,听到了当时的流行音乐,感受到了音乐的魅力,开始买来磁带听,初中变成了班里的一名小歌手,每逢班里有活动就会带来表演,私下里还写了一点歌曲。他还是班上的物理课代表,虽然物理不是最优秀的,但他做化学实验可是第一名,中考的英语成绩满分,并且文笔一直是班里的第一名,平时写完作业就开始做自己喜欢的事,有时候连作业都不写了,就为了参加明天的写作小比拼,他几乎每次都是第一名。 上了高中后,本能一帆风顺地进入一所好的大学,但他开始变得自卑,每天上课都戴着帽子,迟到早退,不喜欢在学校,只有在家或是和朋友在一起,他才会感到舒适。有时下课了会去外面跳舞,还会在本子上写写画画抒发心情,他的高中就这么结束了,回过头来看,他说:我感觉自己没有经历过高中生活。但这使得他在上了大学后在某种程度上比同龄人更具活力,他开始变得忙碌起来,接触音乐,接触舞蹈,接触绘画,接触心理学等一些他感兴趣的东西,在高中毕业后他学习了街舞,上了大学后学习了两年左右,大学毕业后兼职做了街舞教师,后来他意识到自己的身体本就没有别人好,所以他慢慢放下了舞蹈,考研的时候选择了艺术,虽然学的是音乐学,但并没有学到一些有关于实践的东西,都是一些音乐史之类的,他还在大学时参加过创意写作的培训,完成习作诗歌散文与三万字的小说,并自学剧本创作,获得世界华文创意写作协会认证初级华文创意师会员资格。 He is the second child of his family. He also has a sister. He was shy and introverted when he was young. When he finished his homework, he would lie on the table and draw for hours. He has painted seven dragon balls, digital baby and many cartoon characters. He has painted two large books of cartoon characters and a few comic books. Each character is lifelike. He likes to listen to music when drawing. In addition to being good at drawing, he is also good at writing. In the first composition class in grade three, he wrote a model essay that the teacher read to everyone in class. After that, he sometimes wrote some small things, such as adapting or writing lyrics. When I was in primary school, I heard the popular music at that time, felt the charm of music, and began to buy tapes to listen to. In junior high school, I became a small singer in my class. Every time there was an activity in my class, I would bring performances, and I also wrote some songs in private. He is also the representative of the physics class in the class. Although physics is not the best, he is the first in chemistry experiments. He has full marks in English in the middle school entrance examination, and his writing style has always been the first in the class. He usually starts to do what he likes after finishing his homework. Sometimes he doesn't even write his homework. In order to participate in the writing competition tomorrow, he is the first almost every time. After entering high school, he instinctively entered a good university, but he began to feel inferior. He wore a hat in class every day, was late and left early. He didn't like school. Only at home or with friends could he feel comfortable. Sometimes after class, he would go out to dance and write and draw in his notebook to express his feelings. His high school ended like this. Looking back, he said: I feel like I have never experienced high school life. However, this made him more energetic than his peers to a certain extent after he went to university. He began to get busy, contacting music, dance, painting, psychology and other things that he was interested in. After graduating from high school, he learned street dance, studied in University for about two years, and worked as a part-time street dance teacher after graduating from university. Later, he realized that his body was not as good as others, Therefore, he gradually put down dance and chose art when taking the postgraduate entrance examination. Although he studied musicology, he did not learn anything about practice, such as music history. He also participated in the training of creative writing in college, completed the practice of poetry prose and 30000 character novels, and taught himself to write scripts. He obtained the membership of Junior Chinese creative writer certified by the world Chinese Creative Writing Association.

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