

简介:「多多肉」 成立于2017年,由主唱Goody及团长小强组成之双人男子重唱团体,以乌克丽丽伴奏为主要特色,至2024年1月已创作约205首歌曲。 发行纪录如下: 2020年1月多多肉第一张同名首张创作专辑 2022年2月多肉学 2024年2月多肉园 「多多肉」创作内容从描写两人日常生活、接触人群产生的特殊感触,到社会现象启发而来的想法等等,希望能借由每一首的歌曲来记录人生,更期待能用自己创作的音乐,真诚地反映出生活经验与体悟来触动听众的灵魂。 DoDoRo is a Taiwanese indie folk due that consisted of Goody Wang and KIBO Huang, formed in 2018. Ukulele is the key feature of the band. They started to write and compose their own songs since Goody had a car accident in 2019. When performing, Goody is the vocalist and KIBO (band leader) is the ukulelist and backing vocalist. Their music is inspired by the thoughts and feelings of daily life as well as by their observations and interactions with the society. They strive to record and celebrate their lives through their music, one song at a time. The duo released their first album, The DoDoRo in early 2021 and the second album, DODOROLOGY was released in Febuary 2022. Their third album, DODOZOO, is going to be released in Febuary 2024.

