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"huge drums by john, passionate vocals by sue and steve, guitars ranging from buzzsaw to beautiful." - pete weiss/producer: moe tucker, chris brokaw, vic chessnut "...belongs on every college radio station playlist in the western world." - francis dimenno/noise magazine the second full-length record from my own worst enemy is garnering support. no guarantees (elis eil records) is a sublime sound cocktail with shots of versatility, passion and honesty that resonate through the vocals, guitars and drums and permeate every lyrical syllable. one listen just won't do: this record demands your attention over time. its songs will sink into your brain and, hopefully, your heart. if conformist cookie-cutter music is what you're after, then you'd best head for the door and demand a refund on the cover charge. and if overblown, self-indulgent guitar soloing is your thing...ditto. aptly described by rock author and critic, joe s. harrington (sonic cool, magnet, new york press), as the embodiment of "emotional realism," my own worst enemy is what it is - no mystery, no pretense, no apologies. the press has sonically linked mowe to such trailblazers as patti smith and neil young and to more modern indie deities like throwing muses, the feelies and barbara manning. mowe's sound slips-on the fabric of rock, pop and even the blues, but it is always sewn with a punk thread. this band want to connect with you. sue sings with the urgency of a last will and testament written on a death bed, lyrically rewarding those who've been kind and disowning the rest. steve beats on his guitar like he would a childhood bully on a trip back in time - swinging from powerful rhythm to punchout bass-ish knocks - and somehow evokes cries of beauty from it. john hammers home mowe's alternately spiteful and sweet sentiments, pummeling or beguiling the songs into submission. the cumulative result is music rooted in feeling, not formula; music that awakes multiple senses and satisfies them all.