Delayed Gratification

Delayed Gratification

  • 流派:Rap/Hip Hop
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2009-08-04
  • 唱片公司:Unsigned
  • 类型:录音室专辑


It’s about time. That’s what many fans said when they heard "Delayed Gratification," the new album from New York rapper Buttaz, was finally set for release. Say what you want about the music, but at least it’s appropriately titled. “There were a lot of issues, as far as studio time, acquiring beats, and lastly, getting the tracks mixed,” Buttaz says. “But at the end of day those are just excuses. I’m glad that’s all behind me and I can finally say the album is DONE!” It’s sort of crazy when you think about the fact that “What’s That Noise?!” was recorded the summer before Buttaz entered college, considering he graduated in 2008. Almost all of the other 17 songs were written and recorded during Buttaz’ college years, and they reflect the lifestyle of a college student. “Call it a Night,” “What I Wanna Hear,” and “Ruckus” are among several of the songs that are best played at a college party. But Buttaz’ music isn’t all fun and games. He deals with the issue of a troubled family on “Inside Out” and what it means to be a “Hero.” He also raps about what it means to be a rapper. “I certainly hope music fans enjoy this album,” Buttaz says, “but I think musicians will like it as well. I think I’m a rapper’s rapper.” Buttaz addresses some of the issues an artist faces on songs like “Truth or Dare,” “On My Life,” and “Can You Hear Me?” It can be hard to commit yourself to what many outsiders view as a frivolous hobby, and Buttaz raps about the difficult decisions musicians face. Aided by beats from up-and-coming producers such as Doug Funny, P dot Nix, Cadence, and Vocab, Delayed Gratification offers listeners a wide range of hits. One minute you’re dancing, the next you’re deep in thought, but your ears are happy the whole time. Not many rappers are college graduates, and English majors at that, who value songwriting and the crafting of lyrics as much as Buttaz does. It’s certainly refreshing to listen to a rapper who doesn’t brag about cars and jewelry, yet still knows how to have a good time. It’s been a while since the rap game witnessed an album like Delayed Gratification. Like those fans are saying: It’s about time.

