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如果日常的生活、礼节,是一道道的枷锁,我们的音乐就是可以让你释放自我的微醺体验。 【Moonlight Safari】 是撞克茫客的起始篇章,深藏于夜晚的狂欢欲望背后,有著一段炼成过程。 "Addicted"带你进入一个充满疯狂和无法自拔的世界,描述了对人事物的追求和上瘾的力量。"Oh Honey"描绘了对爱情的渴望和短暂的艳遇,让你感受到青春的躁动和情感的火花。"Sun Goes Down"带你回到日落时刻,勾起过去爱情的忧伤和沉重。"Undefined"探索了自我迷失的感觉,让你思考情感中的自我认同和内心的空虚。"Moonlight Safari"则是一趟魔幻的音乐之旅,带你远离世俗束缚,追寻内心的野性和自由。 《Moonlight Safari》以 Mr. Deer 的一天为故事主线,展示了他的追寻和失去,再到透过音乐获得解脱的旅程。 无论你是正在寻找自我,还是希望逃离现实世界,这个EP都能带给你一种内心的共鸣和启发。让我们一起感受音乐的力量,并一同经历这场充满情感和探索的音乐之旅。 Imagine life's daily grind and social niceties as shackles; our music is that liberating buzz that lets you unleash your authentic self. "Moonlight Safari" marks the beginning of DrunkMonk's saga, a tale of transformation that's concealed behind a veil of nocturnal hedonism. "Addicted" immerses you in a whirlwind of obsession and deep-seated cravings, illustrating the magnetic pull towards various obsessions. "Oh Honey" sketches the ache for love and ephemeral romantic flings, stirring the youthful agitation and emotional sparks within. "Sun Goes Down" is a nostalgic trip to dusk, stirring memories of love's melancholy and its burdens. "Undefined" delves into the maze of self-discovery, challenging you to reflect on relationship and the voids you may feel. "Moonlight Safari" is an enchanting odyssey that breaks away from the mundane, chasing the untamed and unfettered parts of your soul. The narrative of "Moonlight Safari" centers around Mr. Deer's day, illustrating his quest and losses, and ultimately, his catharsis through music. This EP is for anyone on a quest for self or seeking an escape from reality—it resonates deeply and enlightens. Join us in the potent embrace of music and take this emotionally charged and explorative musical voyage.