Purely Piano 2

Purely Piano 2

  • 流派:Jazz 爵士
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2017-02-28
  • 类型:录音室专辑


“Purely Piano” was such a huge success that we are proud and happy to now bring you “Purely Piano 2.” We mentioned previously Paul's classical back ground, well we are able to display his classical expertise fully with his live performance of Rimsky–Korsakov's Tsar Saltan opus 53. Here is more information on this magnificent piece and the stunning performance by Mr. Parker. There is an old saying in football that, “On any given day any football team can beat any other football team.” Let me for a moment apply that axiom to the wonderful world of music. Simply stated, any artist at any time can render a performance that could justly be called, “Out of this world.” Such is the case of the magnificent performance by Paul Parker of the exhilarating “Tsar Saltan Opus 53 by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov. On this particular night Paul Parker's stunning delivery of this masterpiece transcended the intention of Korsakov to compose a piece that required the artist to own work from the tenderest transition to the booming power and speed of the last movement. Paul Parker surpassed and exceeded any and all limitations he may have thought he was bound by and truly made “Tsar Saltan” live for almost 8 minutes. Paul displays his astonishing classical touch on the first 5 minutes of the piece then slides into his wonderful, masterful, jazz style to deliver the 3 minute "Flight Of The Bumble Bee" finale. If you need or would like an energetic starter for you morning, crank the volume up and take this 8 minute trip with the music of Rimsky-Korsakov filling you with desire and ambition to get all you can out of the day ahead of you. You will be pleased. In addition to the Korsakov Opus 53 we have 3 iconic pop hits, including a very cool rendition of “The Second Time Around,” A peppy version of “Volare” and a cool version of“Softly I Will Leave You,” all three have a bass man sitting in with Mr. Parker. Filling out the Album there are 10 Tomoser original songs, again in the same format, Mr. Parker playing them for the first time capturing the exact feeling and mood that I intended when I wrote the songs. Paul puts a fetchingly sweet touch on "Can It Be True". Please enjoy the great talent that is Paul Parker and his amazing piano artistry.
