麻雀 Mahjong

麻雀 Mahjong

  • 流派:Jazz 爵士
  • 语种:其他 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2025-03-12
  • 类型:录音室专辑


关于「从不合奏」 以‘永无共识’的共识去探索即兴的可能。 在中国当代音乐的边缘地带,「从不合奏」以其独树一帜的艺术实践,于2014-2016年间,构筑了一系列跨越传统与现代、东方与西方的音乐实验。 2014年,李铁桥、梁奕源、王集云与朱芳琼,这四位叛逆者在大理的暮色中不期而遇。他们的合作,悄无声息地织入了《才村码头》的音轨,一张现场录音专辑,如同潜行于暗影中的即兴低语。这是一段几乎不为人知的音乐篇章,却在静默中诉说着深邃的艺术探索。 2015年,他们以“从不合奏”为名,开启了一系列的即兴演出,将“世界融合”和“自由即兴”的音乐风格推向了新的高度。 2016年,他们在云南及大湾区的巡演,如同即兴顽童的狂欢,被赞誉为疯客、隐士、道长、仙人。 2021年,李铁桥从欧洲回国,未知莫识在景德镇策划「御窑」世界音乐季,四人再次以《从“不合奏”开始》为题,讨论了即兴音乐的深层内涵。并最后一次给音乐季的现场观众带来了一场欲罢不能的音乐会《域》。 同年,李铁桥 梁奕源与朱芳琼三人录制了一个系列具有新画风的音乐专辑:《参宿二的旅程A Trip to Alnilam》《麻雀Mahjong》。 在以李铁桥、梁奕源、王集云与朱芳琼为乐团核心的基础上,「从不合奏」进入了一个半开放的即兴音乐项目阶段。 本张专辑为‘从不合奏 Trio’,为李铁桥、梁奕源和朱芳琼的三人作品。 NEVER Ensembled| Exploring the possibilities of improvisation with the consensus of "no consensus." In the fringes of contemporary Chinese music, "Never Ensembled" carved out an unique artistic practice between 2014 and 2016, constructing a series of musical experiments that straddled the traditional and modern, the Eastern and Western. In 2014, Li Tieqiao, Liang Yiyuan, Wang Jiyun, and Zhu Fangqiong, four rebels, met unexpectedly in the starlight of Dali. Their collaboration quietly wove into the tracks of "Caicun Dock," a live recording album that whispered improvisations like a shadow moving in silence. This was a nearly unknown chapter of music, yet it spoke volumes of profound artistic exploration in its quietude. In 2015, under the name "Never Ensembled," they launched a series of improvisational performances, pushing the boundaries of "world fusion" and "free improvisation" music styles to new heights. In 2016, their tours in Yunnan and the Greater Bay Area were like a carnival of improvisational mischief, hailed as the antics of madmen, hermits, Taoist priests, and immortals. In 2021, Li Tieqiao returned from Europe, and UNINTENDED Music Studio organized the "Imperial Kiln" World Music Festival in Jingdezhen. The four once again took the theme "Starting from 'Never Ensembled'" to discuss the deeper connotations of improvisational music. They also brought an irresistible concert titled "Domain" to the festival's live audience for the last time. That same year, Li Tieqiao, Liang Yiyuan, and Zhu Fangqiong recorded a series of albums with a new artistic style: "A Trip to Alnilam" and "Mahjong." With Li Tieqiao, Liang Yiyuan, Wang Jiyun, and Zhu Fangqiong as the core of the Never Ensembled, "Never Ensembled" entered a semi-open phase of improvisational music projects. This Album was recorded by Li Tieqiao, Liang Yiyuan & Zhu Fangqiong as NEVER Ensembled Trio. 听《麻雀Mahjong》里的系列音乐,仿佛在听一场原始的对话。 即兴之美,在于失控中的掌控,李铁桥—疯客、梁奕源—道长、朱芳琼—隐士,共同以‘永无共识’的共识探索着即兴的可能。时间、空间、情绪、物质,让一切发生随机,收割癫狂,释放美好,却不为达成任何共识。 在对音乐的反复拆分与重建中,音符挣脱乐谱的桎梏,旋律在呼吸间肆意生长。在反复的有限里寻找无垠,在无序中凝聚起音乐超越语言的力量,没有预设的即兴声浪化作液态银河,自由奔涌中构建起无数融合了飒意、自由、任性、执着的听觉空间。 共同营造,彼此自由,永无共识,正如米兰·昆德拉所说: “它教会我们,生命中的矛盾可以同时存在并彼此成全。” 沉在乐音当中,每一次停顿都是悬念,每一次爆发皆是新生,此刻恰如站在大雪后的草原上,面前延伸涌动着,无数若隐若现的道路。 Listening to the series of tracks in Mahjong feels like eavesdropping on a primal dialogue. The beauty of improvisation lies in the mastery within chaos. Li Tieqiao—the Crazy man, Liang Yiyuan—the Taoist master, and Zhu Fangqiong—the hermit, collectively explore the possibilities of improvisation through a shared consensus of "never reaching consensus." Time, space, emotion, and materiality allow everything to unfold randomly, harvesting madness and releasing beauty, yet never striving for any agreement. In the repeated deconstruction and reconstruction of music, notes break free from the constraints of scores, and melodies grow wildly with each breath. Within the repetition of limits, they seek the infinite; within disorder, they condense the power of music to transcend language. The unpredicted waves of improvisation transform into a liquid galaxy, freely surging and constructing countless auditory spaces that blend boldness, freedom, whimsy, and determination. Together, they create, yet remain free; forever without consensus. As Milan Kundera once said, "It teaches us that the contradictions of life can coexist and fulfill one another." Immersed in the soundscape, every pause is suspense, every burst a rebirth. It feels as though standing on a snow-covered grassland, with countless faintly visible paths stretching and surging ahead. 音乐人:李铁桥、梁奕源、朱芳琼 录音/混音:朱芳琼 平面设计:杨建华 未知莫识MUSiC Studio出品 Musicians:Li Tieqiao/Liang Yiyuan /Zhu Fangqiong Recording/Mixing Engineer: ZHU Fangqiong
 Graphic Designer: Yang Jianhua Produced by UNINTENDED MUSIC STUDIO
