- 歌曲
- 时长
Our song Anybody deals with the emotional journey of discovering that your significant other is seeing someone else. It describes the feeling of elation that she brings when youʼre together, as well as the opposite feeling that comes when sheʼs with “That other somebody”. She can take you “Out of your body” but also make you feel like you arenʼt “Anybody”. Anybody“任何人”是一首当你发现你的爱人在和别的人约会时你的情感之旅。讲述了你们在一起兴高采烈的感觉,也描述了她和另外那个人在一起时你的负面的感受。她可以让你灵魂出窍也可以让你感觉你是谁都不是的“任何人”的路人甲。