Flute and Harp Music - DE ROSSI RE, F. / VOLPI, F. / SCHITTINO, J. / TRAVERSI, F. / PIACENTINI, R. / BENEDETTI, A. (Trasfigurazioni) [Duo Narthex]

Flute and Harp Music - DE ROSSI RE, F. / VOLPI, F. / SCHITTINO, J. / TRAVERSI, F. / PIACENTINI, R. / BENEDETTI, A. (Trasfigurazioni) [Duo Narthex]

  • 乐团: Duo Narthex
  • 发行时间:2018-01-05
  • 唱片公司:Tactus
  • 唱片编号:TC960001
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


The “Trasfigurazioni” project stems from the wish to offer a form that breaks away from tradition, is innovative and differs from the customary flute harp duo. It is a work of constant research and repertoire expansion that has been developed for several years, during which our duo commissioned and performed pieces by young Italian composers. An image of the scene of Italian contemporary music is thus presented in which the flute-harp duo is enriched by mixtures, above all by blending it with other timbres, such as percussion instruments, singers, speakers and electronic devices, and also by combining it with other arts, such as literature and painting. This blending through the use of new techniques and microforms united to pre-existing classical structures creates sounds that evoke completely unusual environments and situations, giving music a new connotation that at the same time preserves a classical identity of the past.
