"Soundtrack" is comprised of original Chuck Dailey songs,composed for "The Nebula Series". The unbelievably beautiful music begins, and the listener is swept away to worlds existing only in the imagination of Chuck. The haunting melodies transport us to realms of pleasure and seduction; to resistance and sweet surrender. To experience the magic that is Chuck Dailey, his revolutionary style of playing and his limitless creativity is a gift that we should treasure and hold dear. We are truly fortunate that Chuck is willing to share his talent with us. "Chuck is the perfect blend of improvisor and creator, plus he is a master technician." Those words, quoted by Fritz "The Nightowl" Perenboon, (a popular television personality from Columbus, Ohio), speak to the technical aspects of Chuck's music. His lifelong passion for the guitar has made him a true virtuoso, creating an excellence of style unequaled throughout history. The beauty of his music cannot be put into words ... it must be heard; consumed and absorbed. Perhaps then we can appreciate the wonder that is Chuck Dailey.