- 歌曲
- 时长
The fin.时隔两年推出新单曲,这首融合了灵魂和爵士风格的单曲,将带领听众体验他们的全新境界。 The Fin.今年的中国巡演遍及20多个城市,吸引了近约2万名热情乐迷,取得了巨大成功。 他们此次发行的新单曲《Swans》是继2021年发行的第三张专辑《Outer Ego》之后,时隔两年的第一首单曲。 这首新单曲诠释了The fin.“在过去的两年里,找到了我们一直在寻找的表达方式的细微差别和纹理”,这首曲子兼具华丽与唯美,带领着听众去感受他们的全新境界 他们过去所打造的迷幻音色,融合根源于美国的灵魂乐与爵士乐的精髓,所呈现的纯朴而又考究的音乐性,或许指明了The fin.的全新方向。此外,厚重又不失柔和的鼓声打造的独特律动,流畅华美的萨克斯风行云流水,这些音色让整首单曲更显优雅,充满舒适的意趣。 After two years, The fin. is back with a new song weaving soul and jazz influences, crossing a new musical frontier. After a triumphant tour across more than 20 cities in China and in front of more than 20,000 fans, The fin. unveils their latest single, "Swans," marking their first release since the 2021 album 'Outer Ego.' According to Yuto Uchino, these past two years have been a journey of gradually discovering the nuances and textures of expression he sought. "Swans" truly feels like uncharted territory for The fin., boasting a dazzling and aesthetic finish. The band's enchanting and sophisticated musicality, melding the fantastical sound they've crafted with elements of soul and jazz, signals a fresh direction for The fin. The unique groove of the rich yet gentle drums and the smooth, mellow saxophone contribute to make it a work of elegance and comfort.