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Seems that few bands in rock today make it on musical merit alone but rather by gimmick or some hyperbolic story. Such is not true for Greenland, who plan to dominate the world with pop/rock that doesn't undermine the intellects of the harshest critics or alienate the public by being too artsy or exclusive. Like every band, Greenland is a product of its past. However, they adopt Beach Boys and Beatles-esque harmonies and blend them with influences ranging from Radiohead, Wilco, Phish and Coldplay to early '90s guitar rock and '70s folk rock, the result being a refreshingly original, but not too unfamiliar sound. They are unique in having four vocalists, three of which are known to take the lead. Regardless, what stands out is an innate sense for melody, pop hooks, and catchy choruses which give Greenland's music a timeless quality that is not to be taken lightly. "We realize that the power of the arts lies in it's audience's passion for introspection. Disillusionment, Unity, and Presence are reoccurring themes. Although the subject matter is often deep, we have a great time sharing it." The buzz about Greenland is out. And with the release of their first self titled CD, only expect the buzz to grow and grow.