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★ 英伦怪怪才女Lily Allen最爱的白人灵魂之声 ★ 继承Bob Marley的伟大雷鬼乐传承;坚持One Take的录音实力 ★ 卫报、曼彻斯特网路晚报三星高评价新人 源自牙买加,反映当地人穷困生活,自60年末传入美国及欧洲各地,70年代突破音乐籓篱始为兴盛的雷鬼乐,藉由深受世人尊敬并有雷鬼乐之父、牙买加国宝、第三世界超级巨星等称号的Bob Marley打拼下开始发光发热,不分种族的向主流市场扩散,不时反映人道与和平精神,虽然在1981年Bob Marley不幸在英年36岁时因癌症过世,但他不死的精神,依然藉由他庞大的家族与乐团继续传陈下去。雷鬼乐不似摇滚、嘻哈/饶舌、电子/舞曲等风格,成为商业指标乐曲,但总能在各年代中,听到深受影响的后起新秀,不断注入多元节奏,留下代表作品,Bobby Kray就是继续秉持这个精神,替流行音乐增添更为舞动摇摆节拍。 11岁便会作诗的Bobby,将此嗜好记载出周遭生活的种种,在经历农畜贩卖、设计、木匠等工作后,直到利用钢琴弹奏搭配词句撰写的抒发,与生俱来的音乐才情终於开窍,当下修正未来事业之追寻。2003年Bobby满怀著希望决定去闯荡一番,看看是否能在音乐领域中搞出个名堂,到了英国伦敦郊区匯集多元文化的Brixton,展开街头卖艺及分送自创作品Demo,口耳相传下,让制作二人组合Black Allianz aka Garfield Hackett以及Nnamdi Ogugua为之好奇,想瞧瞧可以唱出牙买加黑人音韵的白人小鬼是否真有本事,Bobby因此成功赢得Mercury Records的一纸合约。但之后公司改组,Bobby也惨遭解约,所幸V2慧眼识英雄,重新展开他的音乐规划。【Tales From A Skinny White Boy】大碟在几经波折下终告问世!Bobby拒绝一切录音室的修饰,录音前与乐手作沟通以及演练确定后,每一首歌曲都一次录完(One Take),呈现最自然的原始味觉,表达出那份唱进心灵深处的感动。从开场曲"Main Man"始,诱人摇摆的Reggae/Dancehall节拍早已牵引聆听者随乐起舞之情绪,包裹的饶舌声韵陆续酝开,不断散射出属於新潮的街头式音符;电吉他牵引牙买加传统音符的"Bam Bam",适合在入夜派对搭衬的优选佳作;有请雷鬼界大师Dennis Bovell(Edwyn Collins、阪本龙一、The Fixx)制作的首支主打"Help Me",不仅将传统Dub/Reggae完美呈献,更以他黑人灵韵嗓音漂亮秀出高超真假音转换,舒服的70年代R&B/Soul更在曲中若隐若现;"Silly Games"如同徜徉在加勒比海般清凉触感;沾染属於夏威夷民谣的抒情慢版小品"Mary Jane"、以简单轻钢琴伴奏演出的"Imagine That",都是Bobby赋予雷鬼乐最鲜亮奇想的多采音色。 by David JeffriesWhile the U.K.'s Bobby Kray came to reggae by way of the Clash and the Police, he obviously followed the genre all the way to Jamaica and became well aware of lovers rock and smooth reggae in the process. Even with the bold title Tales from a Skinny White Boy, his debut album often goes safe and finds the singer becoming a Caribbean crooner with slow grooving backing tracks. During these cuts, his delivery is somewhere between Dennis Brown and Kevin Lyttle but his falsetto sounds just like Justin Timberlake. The blend comes off as more influenced by a cruise ship excursion than of a punky reggae party, but when Kray isn't offering his heart in this faceless manner, his charisma shines through. The opening "Main Man" finds the singer living up to the brashness of his album title and strutting his stuff with an R&B hook plus a potent bag full of boasts. His cover of the Janet Kay chestnut "Silly Games" is just about as cool as it gets, doubly so if it's summer, and the good-timing take on "Bam Bam" makes it hard not to smile. Reggae veteran Dennis Bovell oversees the production which is polished and warm, but don't expect his pseudonym "Blackbeard" to show up with the low-end rumble.