Piano Recital: Martin, Philip - Debussy, C. / Chabrier, E. / Martin, P. / Cervantes, I. (Once More With Feeling: A Selection of Favourite Encores)

Piano Recital: Martin, Philip - Debussy, C. / Chabrier, E. / Martin, P. / Cervantes, I. (Once More With Feeling: A Selection of Favourite Encores)

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This delightful disc of favourite – and occasionally unfamiliar – piano music played by pianist Philip Martin fulfils several functions: it is, first and foremost, a collection of ‘personal choice’ encore pieces, some of which are amongst the world’s favourite piano music, with others coming into the unjustly neglected genre, all of which have a special affection in Philip’s comprehensive repertoire. Secondly, we encounter the art of this much-admired Irish musician as a composer, whose own music possesses an individuality and immediacy of appeal that confirms his qualities as a musical communicator to his audience. And finally (although it is not ‘final’!), this exceptionally well-filled CD is released as Philip Martin prepares coincidentally to celebrate his 70th birthday and 50 years in the musicprofessionwithawide-rangingselectionthatindicatestherangeand artistryofthis truly international musician.
