No one is here without reason, says Robb Relo referring to the incident which nearly cost him his career and even his life. On November 4th 2007, Relo flipped his turbocharged luxury sedan in a high speed police chase at over 120mph, and walked without a scratch. This year he’s flippin’ units and never looking back.. Relo's dream of making music was nearly brought to an end when the police chase led his 4-door Volvo to lose control and flip on the exit ramp near the East. 156th exit on interstate 271 in Cleveland, OH. Amazingly Relo was pulled from the car with only minor scratches, even though he was not wearing a safety belt. Forced to serve a month in jail, and 1 year probation, everything from his job, his friends and hopes came crashing down around him. Unable to to return to his daytime work as a store clerk, Robb had no other choice but to grind himself out of the hole he had dug himself. “Barely anyone I know got jobs where I stay, it's that bad out here”, says Relo of his Cleveland , OH neighborhood, on the East Side. Impoverished by the misfortunes of the poorest city in the nation & influenced by artists like Nas and 2pac, Relo has found a similar way of telling his story over synthesized rhythms and programmed drums. “Relo” started his local rap label in 2001, “ReddLine Rec” (his alias is a combination of his first name Robb, and Cigarello, a popular cigar.) Signing a joint venture with producer John “Yk” Hardaway's Squad Entertainment imprint in July 2006, after the two successfully collaborated on “Fresh up off the burner”, the mixtape which would lock Relo into a bidding war with multiple large indie record labels. Having worked almost exclusively with YK, Relo opted to sign a 60/40 deal with Squad Entertainment, giving him the freedom to remain true to his art. The end result of Relo's struggles is a potent lyricist who meshes with his producer in way that grabs a hold of the listeners ears at every first listen. Relo's upcoming mixtape project will be almost entirely produced by YK, save for two or so tracks, and will be mastered by acclaimed mastering engineer Art Sayecki, at Art Mastering Burbank, CA – one of the largest mastering studios in its region. On songs like “Like Ta Hustle” & “What I'm sposed ta do” Relo unleashes both his obsessions and his self-realized imperfections.