

  • 流派:New Age 新世纪
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2016-02-16
  • 类型:录音室专辑


"A new experience of harp and violin like you’ve never heard before; this music takes you on a tour of cosmic energies, expressing universal truths in a musical language that cannot be described in words. It’s beautiful, transcendent and uplifting." NEBULA - titles and credits 1. A Place of Forgiveness* – words: Hiromasa Kiuchi / Music :Aska (Amy-harp / Aska-violin,vocals) 2. A Voice Calling Me – composed by Aska (Amy-harp / Aska-violin, rhythms) 3. Winter Reflection – composed by Amy & Aska (Amy-harp / Aska-violin) 4. The Moon Washes Away Misfortune – composed by Aska (Amy-harp /Aska-violin) 5. Spring – composed by Amy (Amy-harp /Aska-violin) 6. Jomon Dream – composed by Aska (Amy-harp / Aska-violin, vocals, rhythms) 7. Calling Forth – composed by Amy (Amy-harp /Aska-violin) 8. Regulus – composed by Amy (Amy-harp / Aska-viola, violin) 9. Acceptance** – composed by Aska (Amy-harp /Aska-violin) All pieces include improvisation by Amy & Aska * A Place of Forgiveness Aska composed this song for “Homura-Tatsu’ a 2014 Japanese theatrical production set in Hiraizumi. In the 12th century this extraordinary city emerged as center of Pure Land Buddhism embodying peace and egalitarianism for friends or foes alike during Japan’s long time civil wars. TRANSLATION FOR JAPANESE VOCALS: ”罪を許す国”  “A Place of Forgiveness” 罪はこの世で 裁かれる   Wrongs are of the here & now ひとは楽土で  許される  People are forgiven in the promised land 怒りを 祈りに     Stormy anger into (tranquil) prayers 恨みを 許しに     Deep hatred into forgiveness かたきを 家族に    Enemies into family この世を 楽土に    This world shall be Eden English translation by Jeffrey Maret and Aska ** Acceptance - Aska composed this song for "Queen Media" a 2012 Japanese theatrical production. ———————— Musicians: Amy Camie - Harp Aska Kaneko - Violin, Viola, Voice, Rhythms Produced by Amy Camie and Aska Kaneko Co-producer: John Camie, Blue Star Productions, Inc. Recording Engineer: Adam Long Mixing and Mastering Engineer: Adam Long Recording Studio: Shock City Studios, St. Louis, MO Graphic Design & Replication: Video Services Group Hubble Image: Helix Nebula, NGC 7293 Hubble Image Credit: NASA, NOAO, ESA, the Hubble Helix Nebula Team, M. Meixner (STScI), and T.A. Rector (NRAO) ℗ © 2016 Amy Camie (ASCAP) & Aska Kaneko (JASRAC) Universal Light Publishing (ASCAP) Special Thanks Tsunehiro Yahaba (Pasona)/ Tamiya Kuriyama/Sawako Akiyama (Lyric)/ Mikijiro Hira / Hisao Takase/ All our friends and family WHO WE ARE: AMY CAMIE, a 1987 graduate of Indiana University, is a gifted spiritual harpist, award winning performer, composer, recording artist, author, public speaker and Founder of the Scientific Arts Foundation. For the past 20 years, she has been active in the sound healing community with several pilot studies indicating how her solo harp music increases brainwave function, supports the immune system and reduces pain, distress and anxiety levels. She has presented hundreds of seminars and workshops for local, regional and national audiences on the power of music, sound and vibration. Amy is the author of “Loving Life…all of it – A Walk with Cancer, Compassion and Consciousness’ and is a contributing author to two international books, “The Spiritual Significance of Music” and “LOVE LIVE FORGIVE.” Amy is a Spiritual Initiator and Guide of The ORIGINS Process, a multifaceted system of self-discovery and inner connection. Her CDs are used in hospitals, cancer centers, hospices, nursing homes and with military veterans as well as for general relaxation and stress reduction around the world. As one woman once said, "You touch others in such a deep place with your music...because it comes from such a deep place inside of you." ASKA KANEKO is a virtuoso violinist, composer, musical director, producer and vocalist. Aska was born in Tokyo and grew up among a family of visual artists. Her unique improvisational style arises from her childhood violin practice sessions in natural settings. As a teenager, Aska won the Grand Prize in a prestigious international string quartet competition for young musicians held in London. She later studied at the Tokyo University of Fine Arts and went on to direct the Asian Fantasy Orchestra, a 10-year pan-Asian project supported by the Japan Foundation. She also directs, Aska Strings, a string ensemble, which has released 3 albums including a collaborative work with Hugo Fattoruso (Pf). In 1998, Aska won the Bessie Composition Award in New York for collaborative work with “The Unfinished Symphony,” a work by choreographer, Yoshiko Chuma. In Japan, Aska is well known as the musical director of major musical theater productions. She is a member of Gaia Cuatro, a Japanese-Argentinian ensemble that regularly tours Europe and Japan since 2003. Additional projects include, “Pheeroan akLaff.(Ds) & Aska project” and an improvisational duo recording with Scott Robinson (Sax, Bass clarinet) in New Jersey. In 2015 Aska met harpist, Amy Camie, and they began a very unique and spiritual musical collaboration. Aska’s discography includes nearly twenty CD releases in a wide range of genres. She also practices Wu-dang Tai-chi, an ancient Daoist tradition, and is an aspiring vegetable gardener. ---------------------------------------------- 出会いと成り立ち 2015年、米国セントルイスでの「Face of Love」コンサートフェスティバルにて知り合う。ヒーリングハープの世界の一人者として長いあいだ活躍していたAmyCamieと、50カ国にのぼる公演&多様な音楽文化に接しながら独特な音楽性を持つ金子飛鳥は幼い頃から魂の深いところで人を癒す音楽を求めてきていた。その二人が出会うことによって、このduoプロジェクトが発足、第一弾としての作品「Nebula」が生まれた。 このduo projectの特徴 作品全体を聴いていると自然に深い瞑想状態へ、心の旅へといざなわれていきます。しかし、既存のヒーリングミュージックのさしさわりのない静かな音ではなく、音楽的には静かなものからリズミックなものまで変化に富み、楽曲としての多様な個性を味わえるような曲作り、エネルギーの場所とうねりに注目した曲作りを意識しています。 激しいアドリブソロの場所であっても、常に音の波動がひとの記憶の深いところや細胞をダイレクトに癒すことを前提とした、ストレスフルな現代社会の中で今癒しを求めている多くの人々にも、また、コアな音楽ファンの心もつかむ音楽プロジェクトです。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ “I have been listening to wonderful, fantastic, beautiful music for a long, long time. The wonderful, fantastic, beautiful music is quite rare. So, hearing the music of Aska and Amy was one of those startling transcendent moments. I have known and loved Amy’s harp playing for many years, going back to the 1980’s when she played harp in the Nutcracker Ballet. She was a really good classical harpist. But in the intervening years she has transcended herself. Her playing has become an improvisational expression that is consistently an amazing musical and spiritual experience. Enter Aska. Aska is a truly amazing and gifted violinist. Her technique is flawless. Her sound is smooth and beautiful. And her soul directs every moment of her musical energy. When I say her technique is flawless it doesn’t begin to describe what she can do on the violin. She plays the softest, most beautiful melodies, creating moments of time stopping beauty, and then, still within the moment of perfect tranquility, she begins an amazing passage of astonishing technical virtuosity that sounds as if it comes from the same serene place, effortless, flawless, totally at ease, then back to the soft place. Aska and Amy together have created a new and beautiful sound, the harp and the violin blending together, dancing together in a way that I promise you have never heard before. Rarely can we say that music is a new experience, but this is exactly that: a new experience. Their music takes us on a tour of cosmic energies, expressing universal truths in a musical language that cannot be described in words. And it is beautiful and exciting, transcendent and uplifting in a totally unique way. When you hear their CD, Nebula, you will realize that this is a new and important music. Nebula is a good name for the CD. A Nebula is the birthplace of stars, the building of our universe. There is a creative energy in Amy and Aska’s Nebula that is building a universe of consciousness, beautiful, transcendent, and above all, enjoyable. After all, that’s what the true artist strives for, to lift the spirit, create the beautiful, enrich our lives. That is what Amy and Aska have done in Nebula. Thank you, Amy and Aska. It’s beautiful.” John MacEnulty Native American Flutist Retired St. Louis Symphony Musician Retired Orchestral Conductor
