- 歌曲
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Two piece semi acoustic nonsense. If a badger met a squirrel on a dark night in the Wirral and had a fight over the validity of sprouts as a sandwich filling they would sound nothing like this! Fred and Al force themselves on the world uninvited. They are the square peg in your round hole but you love it! This 'best of' collection of Fred and Al songs was re-recorded for this album using the live versions of all the songs. They were recorded over 2 days in July 2013, and are as close to playing live as we could manage. REVIEWS OF FRED AND AL Mr Plum (Ocelot): Every now and again, a band will come along that will make you want to change your life. Fred & Al will make you want to change your underwear. Fred and Al write brilliantly skewed pop tunes mainly about unfortunate woodland animals, dogs and in the case of Tony Lemurmer a biting satire of the chill out CD industry. Check out their Website Jed: I'm a big fan. I've seen you live a couple of times and your songs are so funny. I also have your new cd. Best £5 i ever spent. And penny whistles, i mean they're good, not great, but good. And i was wondering if you could teach me the ferret language so i can share the ferret anguish? Toby: Gentlemen, your CD is a work of genius :-) Guy in Phoenix Bar, Hitchin: I'm Glad I had an argument with the missis, as otherwise I wouldn't have got to come out and see you guys play.