We Can Do It

We Can Do It

  • 流派:Folk 民谣
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2004-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


"With Folks like you we have a chance" Pete Seeger "Everything in your song resonates with me. Thank you for the sense of justice you bring into the world through music". Charlie Clements, President / CEO Unitarian Universilist Service Committee I am a Vietnam Veteran, I was in Army Intelligence, held a top secret clearance and worked at MACV Headquarters (Military Assistance Command) in Saigon for the year of 1969. Ever since my return from Vietnam, thirty-five years ago, I have been working for environmental, peace, social justice and anti-nuclear causes. I was a member of Vietnam Vets Against the War and an organizer for the Clamshell Alliance and have served on the Board of Directors of several environmental / recycling organizations. I have worked in the recycling field for over 30 years (see bio below). Along the way I have written many songs that reflect my committment to these causes. I have played at rallies, environmental and peace gatherings, concerts, coffeehouses etc. I have just released my third recording "Blue State Liberal". My first album, "Songs for Future Generations" was on Rounder Records and was co-sponsored by Greenpeace. This Greenpeace album was released in 1984 and I think was one of the last albums Rounder put on vinyl. Shortly after the release of that album I got so busy with my recycling and environmental work, serving on the board of directors of four state and national environmental / recycling organizations, not to mention raising a family, something had to give. Consequently my banjo gathered dust for about a decade. A few years ago I started playing and writing again. A short while later we were back in the studio recording my "We Can Do It" CD. This is a folk CD with a definite bluegrass / country flavor with a pinch of Irish. We had some of the Boston's very best bluegrass / country muscians playing on "We Can Do It". This CD was only released locally in the Boston area. With the release of "Blue State Liberal" nationally we will also be making "We Can Do It" available to a broader audiance as well. As a singer / songwriter I am your basic banjo strumming troubadour, luckly it seems that a lot of people enjoy my music. I happen to be blessed with knowing and playing with many phenomenal musicians. My music is meant to make you think, tap your foot and move your spirit. Hopefully, my songs may also motivate you to get involved. It is amazing what one fired up individual can do. When we all get fired up we can change the world. I am sure you will enjoy either of my CDs. If you would like to contact me my e-mail address is: PatScanlonMusic@Yahoo.com Thanks for visiting, hope to see you again. Peace, Pat Scanlon Biography Pat Scanlon is a Vietnam Veteran (69’), Environmental Activist and banjo playing Singer Songwriter. Pat’s songs reflect his commitment to a variety of progressive causes. As the environmental group Greenpeace said of his music. “Pat’s songs sing of the love of the earth, of the wonder of life and of the need for us all to fight the attitudes of greed and waste that pollute our air and water, kill endangered species, promote dangerous energy policies, and lead us to the very brink of nuclear holocaust”. Pat’s first album, “Songs for Future Generations”, was on Rounder Records, co-sponsored by Greenpeace and recorded with the Black Water String Band from Concord New Hampshire. “It is amazing that after twenty years these songs about the environment, social equality and economic justice, peace, nuclear weapons and energy are still so relevant today”. Pat served in the US Army for three years and worked at MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) Headquarters in Saigon for the year of 1969. As an intelligence analyst with a top secret clearance he worked in intelligence (J2) of B52 strikes throughout Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. This experience dramatically changed his life. Upon returning from Vietnam Pat joined Vietnam Veterans Against the War and has been involved in social, political, environmental, peace and anti-nuclear activities ever since. Pat’s life’s work and passion for over thirty years has been in recycling. He has served on the Board of Directors of the National Recycling Coalition(5 years) and the Pennsylvania Resources Council (the oldest environmental organization in Penna.). He is also the founder and past president of MassRecycle, the Massachusetts Recycling Coalition, to name a few. A couple of years ago Pat released his CD “We Can Do It”. Some of Boston’s best folk / bluegrass musicians joined Pat in producing a very upbeat meaningful compilation of original songs. Pat worked in support of the Democratic Party during the 2004 presidential campaign. He assisted in setting up the recycling program at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. He also proposed, designed and organized the “Recycled Poster Project” at the Convention. In just 11 ½ hours Pat transformed the wastepaper generated the first night of the Convention (campaign placards, posters, flyers, position papers etc.) into 38,400 commemorative posters. These posters were made of 100% recycled paperboard and are signed by both John Kerry and John Edwards. A limited number of the "Recycled Poster Project" posters are still available. These are collector items, a recycling project like this has never been done before.. (For more information on the Recycled Poster Project see the newpaper article on Pat's Home Page: www.patscanlon.com). See other CD - "Blue State Liberal" Two days after the devastating loss at the polls Pat wrote the song “Blue State Liberal” as a way to lift the spirits of discouraged progressive liberals. Liberals should be proud of the progressive heritage of the past fifty years. The right has been very successful in making liberals reluctant to use the word liberal, as if it were something to be ashamed of. "Liberal is not a dirty word, contrary to what you may have heard. We're gonna stand and shout out loud, we're liberal and we're proud" (From Blue State Liberal). It is time to take back America. You can help! Please send your friends information as to how to download a free copy of “Blue State Liberal”. Also, please visit Progressive Democrats of America’s web site to find out how to get involved in supporting progressive candidates, programs, policies etc. that are so important for the protection of the environment, our personal freedoms, labor rights, civil rights, women’s rights, gay rights, and a host of other social and economic programs.

