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Chuck Lichtenberger... bangs his head on the ground when he doesn’t get his way... is the son of a formerly self-employed orthopedic salesman and a former secretary with an affinity for puns... grew up in Greensboro, NC...learned to play an entire game of football by himself at age 5...wears a ball cap and eats organic food...became a criminal by age 11...was 16 when his only dream was to be Dave Mustaine of Megadeth... still has echoes of that dream today...has never been a waiter but worked a small stint as a busboy at 22…he and the business parted due to philosophical differences...has a degree in classical piano...has a favorite album: Miles Smiles...knows all the words to “O.P.P”....has a credo: “work hard at not working hard”...has 40 piano students…has played in various bands, various genres including theatrical rock, r&b, and salsa...can play 7 games of basketball in a row, but thinks being a part-time busboy is exhausting.