Gregers Brinch, Vol. 3: Spirals
- 歌唱: Jonathan Truscott/ William Hancox/ Josef Gazsi/ Gregers Brinch
- 发行时间:2019-02-01
- 类型:录音室专辑
- 歌曲
- 时长
作曲家:Gregers Brinch
作品集:Violin Sonata No. 1, Op. 34
作品集:Violin Sonata No. 2, Op. 64
作品集:12 Duos for Violins, Op. 60
Gregers Brinch writes: “My musical inspiration, I believe, has many sources. I am inspired in particular by the qualities of the musical intervals, and this in turn gives rise to a sense of tonality in my music. It is the inner activity of the soul that interests me, and I have adopted an attitude throughout my composing life that the ‘new and challenging’ is still to be found within the context of the universally experienced musical elements. My love of drama, and my occasional work as an actor has also had a strong influence on my music. In my experience, music is analogous to human experience and it is out of this experience that I compose and in the midst of creating a piece I experience the interplay between myself, and the evolving piece with a mixture of joy and pain. The coastline of Denmark with its long beaches and rolling sand dunes was my childhood’s playground. Here I developed a lifelong love of birds and nature. It is possible that these elements find their way into the music…” This third volume of works by Gregers Brinch on Claudio is presented by Jonathan Truscott, William Hancox, and Gazsi Josef.