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"SEX ON SUNDAY" received critical acclaim from music critics and radio insiders in New York City, Miami, Charlotte and Philadelphia westward to Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego. "Sex On Sunday" features SOS singer-songwriter front man Scott West with Tesla’s Brian Wheat, Frank Hannon and Troy Luccketta, Cake’s Gabe Nelson, Mercy Me’s Jim Morris, Anton Barbeau, David Middleton, Scott Rich, Scott Reams, Timmy Barnes (Stevie Ray Vaughan) and Mike Farrell (Th Losing Streaks). "Combing the dynamic edge of today’s rock and alternative groups with the smart songwriting and crisp harmonies of old school bands, Scott West & Sex On Sunday have crafted their very unique, current and infectious sound." Jon Coleman "It’s no wonder today’s featured artist, Scott West, has garnered a slew of awards in the short time he’s been doing his thing. Having been featured on both Maxim and Playboy Radio as the “Official Spring Break Song,” his track “Room 413 Please Remember Me” is a lo-fi, bluesy number with one of the catchiest hooks you’ll ever hear! If you can imagine 70’s crossover folk and great 80’s radio pop colliding with contemporary indie sounds, it might just sound a lot like Scott West & Sex On Sunday." MYXERTONES.COM "Pick of the Day" Featured Ringtone March 9, 2008 Featured Artist (Scott West) "If you can see only one band at (2008) South By Southwest, make sure not to miss Scott West." The Austin Chronicle #1 on MTV's Best Music On Campus for 36 straight weeks. Scott West & Sex On Sunday have distributed over 170,000 copies and downloads of music from their Sex On Sunday CD. Whether Scott West & Sex On Sunday reminds you most of Coldplay, James Blunt, Rascal Flats, or "old school" bands like The Beatles, The Police or Queen, their sound is as fresh as it is polished and powerful. Imagine a symphony orchestra crashing through arrangements with crisp harmonies and pounding guitars, or smooth basso bass and syncopated Latin beats that blend well with smooth intimate ballads steeped in muted acoustic guitars and piano. The range, versatility and divergent influences are all part of Scott West & Sex On Sunday’s sound. “Scott West is extremely musical. Scott plays Classical, Blues, Swing, Rock & Latin Beats in his set and does them all extremely well.” John Waite ("Missing You"/The Baby's/Bad English) Singer/Songwriter/ Musician "Smart, sweet, seamless! West’s layered harmonies, dynamic arrangements, and melodic lyrical sense twist power, grace and atmosphere into a singular kindred touch. 'Sex On Sunday' is timeless and now, relevant and moving, precise and painterly, subtle and seductive, uniquely familiar and destined to create the burning desire for more." The Nashville Scene Six songs from "Sex On Sunday" received significant national airplay including: Standing On The Moon, Naked In A Ruby Mine, Room 413, Fallback, Keep It Clean and I Could Never Go For You. SEX ON SUNDAY was named one of the 2006 and 2007 top ten best bands in California by Emmett’s Topsinamerica.com and made the 2006 & 2007 prestigious Elite Bands of Myspace list, which named them 2006 “Best INDIE Band in America.” The Sacramento News & Review 2006 “Best of Sacramento” readers poll voted Scott West & Sex On Sunday “Best local band,” “Best self produced CD,” and “Best local aphrodisiac” for Sex On Sunday’s “Sex Music.” Voteformyspace.com members voted Scott West & Sex On Sunday "Best Band" on Myspace in April 2007 and Scott West & Sex On Sunday was named 2007 Sac MusicSeen Selected Artist and Top 3 Best Music videos at the 2007 Sacramento International Music & Film Festival for "Standing On The Moon." Scott West & Sex On Sunday's Keep It Clean music video was an official selection of the London Independent Film Festival, The London Short & Sweet Film Festival, The New York Independent Film Festival, The Sacramento Film & Music Festival and The Los Angeles International Film Festival. Visit Scott West's fan & band pages at Facebook.com/100000461795235#!/home, Youtube.com/sexonsundayvideos, Myspace.com/47734340 and @ScottWestBand on Twitter.com. ....................... SAN DIEGO THEATRE SCENE REVIEW: "SEX ON SUNDAY" CD I'm not a rocker by any means, however, I occasionally enjoy a soft-rock sound that carries a beat and a rhythm that invites you to sit on the back porch with the band and comfortably groove to their sound without being thrown, sonic-boom style, into the adjacent hood. Sex on Sunday features nine songs that stand up well against the 80's, 90's and the current crop of rock/pop tunes and invite you to that comfortable back porch, where there's some shaking on the floor boards as well. Scott West sings many of his compositions with a boy-next-door feeling of accessibility and easily reaches all the notes. He allows you to comfortably buy-in to the message and then allows you to be haunted by the lyrics when his vocals are suddenly turned off. Each song is unique in its own understated way and is clearly underscored by the collaborative talents of guitarist Timmy Barnes, guitarist/vocalist Frank Hannon, and bassists Brian Wheat and Gabe Nelson. Sex on Sunday has the requisite energy, varying rhythm, lyrical diversity, and consistent harmonies that when the parts are added up, it's nothing less than a first-rate groove fest. There are some easy teasing beats like "I Could Never Go For You" or infectious, almost haunting renditions such as "Standing On the Moon (With an outstanding Space Odyssey musical introduction)." All of the lyrics come to you easily and many stay with you for a good long time. "Sex On Sunday" features some impressive orchestrated set-ups to the song lists on this album, great tingling of the ivories, and some jammin' guitar work. This is a polished CD with a vintage British (think Beatles) influence. The songs are catchy, clever and I predict their next venture into the studio will bring them overdue fame and fortune. Cuauhtemoc Kish Entertainment Critic San Diego Theatre Scene Scott West's "California Christmas" CD with West's "Auld Lang Syne" is also available: http://cdbaby.com/cd/swsexonsunday1 This is the second pressing (2006) of the original November 2005 release.