- 歌曲
- 时长
In La notte fa, Côté and A_dontigny have laid down sculptural music on a groove. Throughout these 10 pieces, the blender is on whip. This collaboration resembles an underwater stroll that ends badly. No foresight. Côté and Dontigny piece together their aural constructions into strange and surprisingly accessible electro-dance delights : jittery, cut-up music in which a barrage of samples - fragments of barely-recognisable speech, conventional instruments running a gauntlet of electronic distortion, snippets of grooves and beats that have been pulled and stretched and chopped to pieces - collide and (less frequently) cohere into a soundscape that can strike one at different moments as either fun, in a kind of crazy, sped-up way, or nightmarish, for pretty much the same reason.