• 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:国语
  • 发行时间:2023-09-22
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:Single


钱润玉首专第二波单曲 依然是中英文双语齐发 依然是承上启下式创作 主题是她对爱情的幻想 本次具体内容包括但不限于—— 寻爱 & 独美 or 遗忘 & 铭记 Track 1 「ROWBOAT」 孤独寻爱的小船 在茫茫大海上能碰到另一只真的好难。 即使碰到也可能不是什么好东西。 最后发现好像找不到,所以算了吧。 也许像黎明前的黑暗一样, 孤独越过了难以忍受的边界 就会变得越来越美好吧。 独美得了。 Track 2 「健忘」 歌曲创作灵感来源于电影《恋恋笔记本》, “钱润玉”每次看都会哭成“氵”, 钱、闰、玉都给哭丢了; 它描写的爱情是最戳钱润玉的类型。 即使垂垂老矣患上失忆症, 谁都不记得唯独记得你。 爱情不能治愈一切, 但能在一瞬间让人变得年轻。 就算被困在一副僵硬的躯壳里 相爱的双方在彼此的记忆中都还是年轻的样子。 Track 1 - ROWBOAT At times, I feel like a solitary rowboat adrift in the vast sea, with no one else in sight. I am beginning to believe that finding a compatible partner is an improbable task– even if such a scenario were to occur, a favorable outcome seems unlikely. As I gradually give up on the search for ‘the one,’ I become my ‘one and only.’ At the end of the day, I confront the dreadful silence with only myself, and I believe I will endure it just fine. Track 2 - Forgetful The song was inspired by the movie ‘The Notebook’. I can’t watch it without shedding tears. It’s the kind of love that makes me yearn for romance. Time has taken so much from me—my youth, my health, even my memories. All I can recall is you. Love can't cure me, but it brings me back to a happier time, despite being confined in our aging shells. When I gaze at you, all I perceive is a youthful soul.
