Through The Years With David Shook

Through The Years With David Shook

  • 流派:Country 乡村
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2003-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


NEWS MEMO: 2 singles have been added this this CD. David recorded them in 1979. "Buddy's Song," written by Buddy Holly's mother and "We Belong Together (you and I)," written by David Shook. "Buddy's Song," was released nationally and had some good writeups. The leader of the then Buddy Holly Memorial Society, Bill Griggs, spoke highly of the arrangement. "Through The Years With David Shook" is a compilation of music that he was written and performed over the years. Contributing to this album are The Shook-Parker Gospel Singers of Akron, CO; Linda Ball, originally from the state of Iowa; and the Sermonaires Quartet of Colorado Springs, CO. David wrote 11 of the songs. The Song, "We'll See Our Loves Again," is expecially touching as it was written in memory of the Shook's son, Robert, who died at the age of 8 from Cystic Fibrosis. He and his brother, Patrick, both died from this disease and are buried in Colorado Springs. The Lord Of Miracles has special meaning as it was the first song David wrote. He was 15 years of age at the time! The liner notes below are from the record albums from which most of the songs on this CD originate. THE SINGING PARSON The "Singing Parson" is certainly an apt title for my friend and brother in the ministry, David J. Shook. I am pleased he has taken time from an extremely busy schedule to record this album. Along with being a wonderful preacher, Dave is also a splendid musician and singer. Nine of the ten songs on this album were written and composed by him. This is, indeed, a rare quality. Most singers cannot preach, and most preachers cannot sing, but our friend can do both extremely well. At age 19, Dave began preaching, and has been actively engaged in evangelistic and pastoral work since then. February 1, 1967, he accepted the call to the now-named Colorado Springs Baptist Temple in Colorado Springs, Colorado with a congregation of 40. From January 1, 1967 through November, 1970 there have been 281 public professions of faith and 67 baptisms. The Temple's Sunday school average is now 175. The new building is located in the fastest growing area in Colorado Springs and has a tremendous future. Under our brother's enthusiastic leadership, we will hear great things from this church. The accompanist on the album is the beautiful and multitalented Linda Ball. She plays both organ and piano at the same time on the album. Linda has a wonderful testimony and is highly esteemed by those who know her. She plays numerous instruments and has a beautiful singing voice. It is our prayer that you will be drawn close to the Savior as you listen to these sons about Him. Respectfully Submitted, Evangelist Al Wells THE SERMONAIRES This album has been dedicated to the memory of our son, Robert, who moved to his new home in Heaven on February 26, 1972. God entrusted to our care a bundle of joy on January 8, 1964 that so blessed many hears and lived for eight wonderful years. Robert came to know Christ as his personal Savior at the age of 5, was baptized at 6, and yielded to be a preacher at 7. Many times we ask "why," however, we know that God knows what is best and Heaven is much sweeter, more real, and even closer because he is there. Robert died with Cystic Fibrosis as did his little brother, Patrick, who died in 1971 at the age of 3 months. The title song, "We'll See Our Loved Ones Again," was written by myself and the recitation by Evangelist Phil Shuler. The song, "I'm Fine, Thanks To Calvary," was Robert's favorite song. It is our hope and aim that each one will receive a special blessing by hearing these messages in song and share with us the joy of knowing that, "We'll See Our Loved Ones Again." Pastor David Shook and Jean The members of the Sermonaires are: David & Jean Shook, Lou Liles and Joe Eller. Musical accompanists were the Sermonaires and The Singing Shook Family Shook Family PO Box 230 Sterling, CO 80751 March 10, 2003 A gracious letter concerning David's ministry..... The Shook Family Singers had their beginning in the late 1950's. At that time those singing and playing instruments were Bea, Dillon Shook and younger brother David Shook. With assurance I can say that God called us all into His ministry. David, from the first and every time we ministered in music was comfortable and always in control when singing and preaching. Displaying the God given talents and abilities entrusted to him. In the late 1960's Bea and I again teamed up with David and Jean (David's wife) for several concerts and revivals as the Singing Shook Family. Through the 1970's when David was pastoring in Colorado Springs the Dillon & Bea Shook Family together with David providing the preaching, had an average of 4 or 5 revivals a year. One earlier revival meeting that David preached (in the mid 60's) in our original home church (First Baptist Church of Akron, CO) was the greatest revival experienced in the history of our church with 16 saved and the meeting being extended from 7 to 10 days. Bea Shook wrote in her book, "Love Lifted Me," "in 1967 we moved to Monument, Colorado and Joel was born two weeks later. We belonged to Pastor David Shook's church. I guess it was there that we learned a lot of doctrine. I grew a lot in the Lord. We were singing with David and Jean. My biggest interest was working with the young people. I became involved and really had a great group of young people. I was in the height of my glory, I loved it. We had 25 to 30 every Wednesday night and Thursday visitation. On one occasion we had a bowling party with pizza and had fifty-two people in our living room and hallway." I could say and write so much more but in conclusion I would like to say along with all of my family we are pleased and happy for David as he and family celebrate 40 years of ministry for our Lord and Savior. I still remember these words from one of the first songs David wrote while still in high school. The name of the song is "I'm Satisfied" "In this world of sorrow through faith I can see In this world of trial contented I'll be For when I see Him my Savior to behold He is more precious than silver and gold!" Even so come Lord Jesus! Because He first loved me, Dillon Shook
