Orpheus: Songs, Arias & Madrigals from The 17th Century
- 歌唱: Toshonori Ozaki
- 发行时间:2018-05-04
- 唱片公司:CPO
- 唱片编号:555168-2
- 类型:录音室专辑
- 歌曲
- 时长
作曲家:Robert Johnson
作曲家:Antonio Draghi
作品集:La lira d'Orfeo
作曲家:Maurice Greene
作曲家:William Byrd
作曲家:Gabriel Voigtländer
作品集:Allerhand Oden und Lieder
作曲家:Jacopo Peri
作曲家:Johann Erasmus Kindermann
作品集:Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1
作曲家:Jacopo Peri
作品集:Le varie musiche
作曲家:Francesco Rasi
作品集:Madrigali di diversi autori
作曲家:Claudio Monteverdi( 蒙台威尔第)
作品集:L'Orfeo, SV. 318
作曲家:Luigi Rossi|Anonymous
作曲家:François Dufaut
作品集:Bookes of Ayres, Book 3
作曲家:Jacopo Peri
作曲家:Johann Erasmus Kindermann
作品集:Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1
作曲家:Henry Purcell( 亨利·普赛尔)
作品集:The Prophetess, Z. 627 "The History of Dioclesian"
作曲家:Domenico Belli
作品集:L'Orfeo dolente
作曲家:Giovanni Maria Trabaci|Anonymous
作品集:Ricercate e altri varij capricci, Book 2
作曲家:Claudio Monteverdi( 蒙台威尔第)
作品集:L'Orfeo, SV 318( 奥菲欧,SV 318)
作曲家:Anthoine Francisque
作品集:Le trésor d'Orphée
作曲家:Johann Erasmus Kindermann
作品集:Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 2
作曲家:Jacopo Peri
作曲家:Johann Steffens|Anonymous
作品集:Newe teutsche weltliche Madrigalia und Balletten
作曲家:Antonio Draghi
作品集:La lira d'Orfeo
作曲家:Johann Erasmus Kindermann
作品集:Opitianischer Orpheus, Pt. 1
作品集:The Bird Fancyer's Delight
Around 1600 the early Baroque solo song with instrumental accompaniment began sharing the musical stage with polyphonic Renaissance vocal works of contrapuntal stamp. Although this period was distinguished by musical forms of great diversity and variability, there was one clear premise: the immediacy of musical expression. Consequently, the person of Orpheus became one of the most important figures. He was the singer who accompanied himself on the lyre and expressed his deepest feelings textually and musically. The successful tenor Julian Prégardien teams up with the ensemble Teatro del Mondo led by Andreas Kuppers, who has assisted René Jacobs and others for many years, to trace the representation and reception of this mythical singer in the seventeenth century. Accompanied by a great many instruments, the musicians cover the first operas in Italy, spend time with part songs and lute songs from England, and discover song collections from Germany. Dances and diminutions function as interludes. This is an album like a painting: Orpheus sings and plays in the midst of shepherds, nymphs, animals, trees, and stones. In 2016 Die Rheinpfalz wrote after an “Orpheus Concert”: “With Julian Prégardien and the early music ensemble Teatro del Mondo we found ourselves in the uppermost reaches of Baroque vocal and instrumental music. The sound of this formation is gentle and rough, highly expressive and emotional, and yet governed by artistic discernment.”