尤米泽 2021 最新单曲 带你去旅行 歌曲匠人/尤米泽,长年累积创作能量,把生活历练, 爱情,亲情,友情写进歌曲中,现场演唱歌声的渲染力,总能使听众被他富有生命力的声音所吸引,进而喜爱上尤米泽的音乐。 创作灵感源自COVID-19疫情前,尤米泽第一次有能力带母亲到日本冲绳旅行,飞机上阳光透过窗洒落在母亲的脸庞,因而有了这首《带你去旅行》的创作构思,而后便邀请新加坡创作歌手李芯芮一起完成这首创作。 今年2021年,由于疫情全世界无法到处旅行,尤米泽希望透过这首歌曲,与你分享自己的旅行,同时唤起大众对旅行的念想,在疫情结束后,你/妳最想带谁去旅行?家人、爱人还是朋友? MV音乐录像带拍摄,尤米泽与他的好朋友们特别从台北出发,经过花莲到达合欢山北峰拍摄,希望透过镜头搭配尤米泽与李芯芮这首歌曲(带你去旅行),带大家到海拔高度3,422公尺山上感受台湾百岳高山的美丽与壮阔。 Ted Yu 2021 Single release - A Trip With You The inspiration behind the song came before COVID-19 when Ted took his mother on a trip to Okinawa, Japan. He invited Singaporean singer-songwriter Cheryl Lee to collaborate and complete the song together. With the continued COVID situation this year, Ted hopes this song will bring back the happy memories that traveling bring and give hope for our future travels. Who would you go on your next trip with? Friends, family, partners? This music video brings us on a journey with Ted and his friends as they set out from Taipei through Hualien before reaching the North peak on Mount Hehuan. Singing atop the mountain at an elevation of 3,422 meters, Ted hopes this song can showcase Taiwan’s beautiful mountains and remind us of the happy memories made during our travels.