

  • 流派:Rock 摇滚
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2009-10-21
  • 唱片公司:Kdigital Media, Ltd.
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Following; Uplaya - MicControl revue - Head Case next Uplaya Technology (Highest Hit potential) awarded 6 Platinum & 1 Gold Winning songs from ISTVAN debute album ''Clowns'': "Music Intelligence Solutions has developed software to help record labels identify hot songs, no matter what the genre." - Rolling Stone "Hit Song ScienceTM (HSSTM), picked out the potential of the jazz singer Norah Jones months before she topped the US charts and won eight Grammy awards for her first album. Five major record companies have been so impressed that they are beginning trials of the software, New Scientist magazine reports today." - The London Times Elcodrive's manager, Josh Kampel, has fielded calls from more record companies interested in bringing the band back to New York for additional showcases - in part, Kampel believes, because of the Hit Song Science Album Report that was sent to key label figures. - Boston Globe The kind of information Music Intelligence Solutions provides in their pre-release reports helps reduce uncertainty before releasing a given song." - Muff Winwood, Senior VP A & R - Sony Music UK source: "Hit Song Science, le détecteur des tubes de demain." - Le Monde "A music executive who is working with the technology said the program also identified the "gold content" of a song. This is the part that is supposedly the most likable and can be sampled in television commercials, films and other songs." - The New York Times and more visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MicControl Album Review of ISTVAN's Debut album ''Clowns'' Editor - Jon Ostrow The interesting thing about Clowns the latest release from Montreal-based Istvan (Istvan Gyorffy) is how refreshingly vintage rock n' roll it sounds. I say refreshing becuase, unlike many of today's 60's and 70's revival bands who write and record songs with a purpose of emulating a vintage sound, Clowns sounds like a modern recording, but feels like an album that could have been released with great success in the 1970's Pink Floyd era. Through overall sound, songwriting style and the lyrical direction, Istvan has created genuine songs that combine the heavy hitting chords of early metal (Black Sabbath), the heavily effected palm-mute style rhythm guitar (Van Halen) and the strong melodies and harmonies with a lyrical focus on people, human nature and society (Pink Floyd)- after all, the title track is called Clowns, an obvious nod to people's behaviors today. As a songwriter, Istvan really hits the mark here. The song-forms are very consistent; naturally progressing, leading to heavy hitting stop-and-go power chords, and catchy harmony filled chorus's. I found the layering used during the verses of each song to be very effective. A characteristic of Istvan's songs is that his verses use a very monotone bass line, palm muted (and very heavily distorted) rhythm guitar, some sort of a melodic line coming from a second guitar and a constant snare hit from the drums- all of these things are classic 70's metal. But it is really in the chorus's where we see some change- in fact everything seems to change here. The bass becomes much more syncopated, the vocals change from deep and heavy to light and well harmonized and the guitars join in unison. This change works very well to keep the hooks hitting as hard as possible. It is very evident to me that Istvan knows very well what he is doing- nothing here is an accident or product of experimentation. Each riff and layer is well arranged with a specific style. But it is Istvan's use of accents that show his true talent. Whether it is the huge sounds of the synth that joins in beneath the big power chords, the high-end accent harmonies that surround the melody, or the use of acoustic guitar beneath the distorted rhythm guitar, allowing for more accessibility of each note, Istvan has really shown some mastery of Rock n' Roll. In the end, Clowns by Istvan is really an album that anyone who is a fan of classic metal or classic hard rock should take a listen to. By using styles made famous by others and then adding his own feel to it, each song is easy to get in to- there is an aspect of this songwriting that feels familar, but only enough to make it enjoyable right off the bat, and not so much in an 'already been done' kind of way. These songs are, without a doubt, well written, well arranged, and most importantly well performed. FOR MORE INFO ON ISTVAN, CHECK OUT HIS PROFILE RIGHT HERE ON MICCONTROL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head Case Radio (Seattle) comments: ISTVAN is an artist who comes from Montreal, Quebec in the great country of Canada. He's sent us his entire CD "Clowns" - 12 tracks of really terrific music, almost prog rock in places. It's well recorded and well written - the songs are catchy and will give your inner prog fan some tasty satisfaction. Check him out at and become a Fan on FaceBook search for ISTVANMUSIC or simply on ILike. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make my day and become a Fan on;
