The Kite's Destiny

The Kite's Destiny

  • 流派:Blues 蓝调
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2024-07-27
  • 唱片公司:秀动发行
  • 类型:Single


The Kite‘s Destiny Author: Tizzle(a.k.a. TB-Ray) Song Story Background In a future world enveloped by steel and glass, the sky is sliced into irregular fragments by towering skyscrapers. Under this shattered sky, a man and a woman live, their love like a kite, tugged by the strings of fate, fluttering uncertainly. They were once each other's solace, until the weight of life pushed them in opposite directions. She, a woman as ordinary as can be, by a stroke of chance, joined the resistance, becoming a warrior. He, a man as gentle as can be, out of the helplessness of survival, became a pawn of the tycoons. In a battle that seemed accidental yet inevitable, they met on the battlefield. Their eyes met, no longer the tenderness of the past, but filled with doubt and pain. She was filled with hesitation, while he, like an emotionless machine, coldly carried out his orders. In this battle, he used her love for him to push her towards death. He took her head to the tycoons for a reward, only to find his heart empty. He began to doubt, was it all really worth it? In a forgotten corner, a new legend is quietly taking root. Some say that those souls abandoned by fate will eventually find their own direction and fly to the sky that belongs only to freedom. And their story, like the broken kite, though it flutters, is also free. 风筝的归宿 作者:Tizzle(a.k.a. TB-Ray) 歌曲故事背景 在那个被钢铁和玻璃包裹的未来世界,天空被高楼大厦分割成不规则的碎片。在这片破碎的天空下,生活着一对男女,他们的爱情,就像一只风筝,被命运的线牵引着,飘摇不定。 他们曾是彼此的依靠,直到生活的重压将他们推向了不同的方向。她,一个平凡得不能再平凡的女子,却因为一次偶然的机会,加入了反抗军,成了一名战士。他,一个温柔得不能再温柔的男子,却因为生存的无奈,成了财阀的棋子。 在一场看似偶然却又不可避免的战斗中,他们在战场上相遇。他们的眼神交汇,却不再是曾经的温柔,而是充满了疑惑和痛苦。她,心中充满了犹豫,而他,却像是一个没有感情的机器,冷酷地执行着命令。 在这场战斗中,他利用了她对他的爱,将她推向了死亡。他带着她的首级,去向财阀领赏,却发现自己内心空空如也。他开始怀疑,这一切,真的值得吗? 在那个被遗忘的角落里,一个新的传说正在悄然生长。有人说,那些被命运抛弃的灵魂,最终会找到自己的方向,飞向那片只属于自由的天空。而他们的故事,就像那断线的风筝,虽然飘摇,却也自由。

