丝路 Vol. 2

丝路 Vol. 2

  • 流派:Electronic 电子
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2023-12-31
  • 唱片公司:发现梦想
  • 类型:录音室专辑


2019年的时候到泰国的清迈驻村,进而认识了很多泰国当地的传统音乐人,也进行了许多与当地乐手合作的演出。 我喜欢挖掘特别且独特的声音,不只是找寻音乐里更多的可能性,也是我认为音乐创作应该要有的诚意。其中丝路这个合辑就是专注于挖掘亚洲独特声响所产生的计画。 丝路 Vol.1 发行于2017年。我与印尼实验乐团Senyawa的Wukir Suryadi合作,取样并混音了他类似弦鸣的自制乐器。他的自制乐器有着强大的张力,透过他的演奏,将Senyawa的音乐带领到了另一个层次。(有兴趣的朋友可以到REUSED的Bandcamp聆听) 回到2019年的清迈,我驻村的地方在一个深山里,白天就画画做作品,晚上就去城市找朋友做音乐、演出。某次听见了泰国笙的音色,感觉像中毒了一样非常着迷,当下就决定丝路 Vol.2要以这个声音做为整张专辑的灵魂。那时花了很多时间录制了乐手演奏笙的音乐,自己还托朋友买了一把,到现在还不是很会吹(笑)。 笙是类似口琴与笛的混合,发声方式相当特别,吹与吸皆可发声。而泰国的笙更是与一般我们听见的中国笙不太一样,是纯竹制的,音频更高、更薄,有着浓浓的东南亚风味。当时一听见就看见了黄澄澄的稻田,直觉这个声音代表着最真实的「亚洲」。 最后,丝路Silk road作为一个混音为主轴的专辑,主要挖掘亚洲独特的声响,透过转化,将传统带入当代。也邀请我一路上所认识、喜爱的音乐制作人,呈现出别于一般所听见的亚洲音乐。 丝路 Vol.2 这次邀请到的音乐人比上一次更多、更加国际化,除了我很喜欢的日本音乐人外,也包含了美国、墨西哥、印尼的朋友们。每一位都是拥有强烈个人风格,在各自的音乐圈中,都是无法被模仿且不合群的存在。你可以透过音乐感觉到他们的个性、风格与他们的独特印记,好像认识一个新朋友,来听听他想说些什么。 何灏 敬上 - In 2019, I was doing Art residency in Chiang Mai for 3 months. During the time, I got to know many local musicians, and performed with them. I like to explore special and unique sounds, to challenge more possibilities in music. Among them, the Silk Road is a project that focuses on exploring the unique sounds of “Asia”. Silk Road Vol.1 was released in 2017. collaborated with Wukir Suryadi from the Indonesian experimental band Senyawa, sampling and mixing his handmade string-like instruments. The instruments have strong tension, through his playing, he takes Senyawa's music to another level. Back to the Chiang Mai, 2019. In that time, I was living deep in the mountains. I painted during the day, and perform in the city at night. In a jam section, I heard the sound of the Thai “Sheng”. I was so fascinated, and immediately decided that Silk Road Vol.2 would use this sound as the soul of the entire album. The “Sheng” is a combination of harmonica and flute, and It can produce sound by both blowing and inhaling. However, “Thai Sheng” is much different from the “Chinese Sheng” we hear in general. The sound is higher and thinner, with the stronger Southeast Asian flavor. It sound like the rice fields, more local and raw ”Asia". Finally, Silk Road, as a remix project, I invited music producers that I met along my travel. team up with them, explores and brings tradition into the contemporary. The Underground Connection. The Asian music that is different from what is commonly heard. Vol.2 we got more international than the Vol.1. In addition to my favorite Japanese and Taiwanese music producer, musicians. we also included friends from the United States, Mexico, and Indonesia. Each one has a strong personal style, You can feel their personality, style and unique imprint through their track. They are all inimitable and special existences. Sincerely, COSiMOZ - Artist list below: COSiMOZ(TW) Cheer KBN(TW) Egsy(ID) Dj Real One(US) Pancho Trackman(MX) Ohtakekohhan(JP) Dj Motive(JP) Sarukichi(JP) Living dead(JP) NaBTok(JP) Bundead(JP) Jackie Gen(JP)

