Think about the best time of your life. The time you bungee jumped naked into a viper pit. The time you took shrooms with Abe Vigoda and he turned into a sexy dinosaur. The day your leopard was born. Uberband does that sh*t on a Tuesday. For 13 years, the silly-rock titans of Los Angeles melted brains from California to Warsaw. Take Queen's grandiosity, Mr. Bungle's furious mayhem, Zappa's technical brilliance, mash it up with the dadaist rantings of a drunk uncle, and you'll get CLOSE to the degree of genius (could be idiocy) that Uberband held domain over. All good things must end. But Uberband was kind enough to leave us with this six song EP full of the things that every human needs in life. Think of it as musical food, shelter, and sex.