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The Roman army under the command of General Paulinus, had reached the sacred land of Anglesey, North Wales, during their invasion of Britain. The Celtic Druids called upon their gods and used their powers of magic to fight off the invaders. During the battle, some Druids consumed themselves by the power of their own spells. Factual eyewitness accounts recorded how some burned alive, in a blue flames from spells of their own making. In the attack, the Romans destroyed the shrine, the sacred groves, massacred the Celtic Druids and their gods. After the fall of Anglesey, Queen Boudica’s army was later defeated and Britain came under the rule of Emperor Nero in AD61. Just 3 years after the Romans attacked Britain, Rome along with all its inhabitants, was burned. The destruction order came from their own emperor Nero, who famously played the fiddle as Rome burned. The album Search For A Wicca Christ is written and performed by Chris Shaw, a Tenor saxophonist from South Wales, in the United Kingdom. It represents the deep search for spirituality through music. Even the great masters of the saxophone, like John Coltrane went thorough a time of great spirituality along with their music. Music is not fuelled by madness like that of Nero’s fiddle, but it reaches our very soul. We can express ourselves, paint pictures, convey experiences and put sounds to feelings, where we cannot express in words. Chris was brought up in a family of professionl jazz musicians, but learned that some of his ancestors had been arrested for practising the old Celtic religion, about a hundred years ago. They healed sick animals using medicines made from wild herbs, which in today's society is rather acceptable, even commendable. But as a jazz sax player, there is a spirituality and magic that Chris taps into to produce his craft. His Tone is warm, smooth and silky, but in the next minute it turns wild and electrifying. The welsh wizard has appeared on the radio, in recording sessions and performs in the flesh. For more details visit www.shawsax.co.uk Rather than using a traditional jazz quartet, the tracks are performed with the guitar and synthesizers in place of the piano. The tracks have groove, soul, magic and passion. This album is a search for the Wicca Christ.