Night Lotion「融」

Night Lotion「融」

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2023-03-01
  • 类型:Single


Night Lotion 「融」 人體的組成為脂肪、骨骼、肌肉、水分。 為了靠近、更靠近、再更靠近你,我可以化成乳液,緊緊攀附你的身體,融化在你的背影。 「baby you can fool me twice」,寫的是執著也是卑微,組合在一起變成某種註定墜毀的死心塌地。昏暗光線裡的呢喃,再搭配像是心跳振動在耳膜上的鼓聲,而後在墜落之際,畫面突然變得明朗且越來越清晰,像是把距離拉遠後才能夠清醒的看到眼前的人早就已經背對自己,而這只是一首來自俘虜的獨舞。 這首由Andr包辦詞/曲/編的首支單曲,前奏開始於另類黑暗的編曲,Andr迷幻的嗓音遊走期間。之後由funk的節奏吉他與synth為主軸,帶領聽眾進到自溺歡愉的情境。最後的尾段,再由電吉他效果器延遲調變(delay-modulation)音效,來面對在失戀後,終究困在悲傷迷霧中,融化失去形體的自己。 Night Lotion Even with three veteran producers behind this song, the debut single still retains the weirdness, sincerity and innocence of the original demo Andr wrote in her 20's. Written and arranged by Andr, the song starts with an unconventional dark atmosphere complimented by Andr's psychedelic and eccentric voice, then followed by an upbeat funk guitar with the synthesizer as the main rhythm, leading the listener into a state of sonic euphoria. Towards the end of the song, Andr uses a modulated-delay guitar effect to come face to face with someone who has lost herself and was trapped in the mist of sadness after a broken relationship.

