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뉴욕의 감성을 그대로 가져온 멀티플레이어 Soundmaker의 정규앨범 [I'm Only Human] 조지, 제시, 팔로알토, 테드 팍 등을 프로듀싱하며 커리어를 쌓아올린 올인원 플레이어 Soundmaker가 로칼하이레코즈를 통해 자신의 개성을 압축하여 눌러 담은 정규앨범 [I'm Only Human]을 발매했다. 그의 이번 정규 앨범엔 Clavita, Giselle, Tanya Kwiin, Trampoline Culture, Hadihaad, West1ne, Lenox, Platinums Only 등 실력있는 아티스트들이 참여하여 앨범의 완성도를 더했으며, Soundmaker가 직접 디자인한 빼어난 소리로 곡들을 가득 채워 청자들에게 음악으로써 들려 줄 수 있는 다양한 즐거움을 선사할 예정이다. 그는 힙합, 알앤비, 뉴 타입 하이퍼 펑크, 얼터네이티브 락 등 장르를 가리지 않고 소화해 내어 앨범의 색깔을 화려하게 장식해 내었고, 특히 이번 타이틀곡 'Hibiki'는 Soundmaker가 처음 펜트하우스 스튜디오에서 일했을 때의 감정과 경험을 중독성있는 기타루프와 트랜디한 드릴 리듬 위에 감각적으로 풀어낸 이모셔널 힙합곡으로써 그루브한 싱잉랩과 더불어 직접 제작한 뮤직비디오로 대중들에게 시각적인 볼거리 또한 선사할 예정이다. 2022년에 존재하는 수많은 장르를 트랜디하게 소화해 낸 Soundmaker의 [I'm Only Human] 앨범을 통해 그가 전하고자 하는 메세지에 귀 기울이며 그가 어떤 인생을 살아왔는지 귀 기울여 보자. Multi-talented global artist, SOUNDMAKER releases his full length album, [I'm Only Human], that captures and delivers the hip hop vibes of New York City to Korea. SOUNDMAKER, an all-in-one player who has built his career by not only producing, but engineering, songwriting, instrumentation, and more. Soundmaker started his career, and the famous Penthouse Studios of New York City. Soundmaker has worked with the likes of famed artists such as Leelemarz, Jessi, Paloalto, Ted Park, and many more. Soundmaker’s new full-length album, "I'm Only Human," unveils his unique musical artistry & character. Each song on this album expresses Soundmaker’s personal stories of his suffering times & triumphs. Soundmaker has partnered with a South Korean record label, Localhigh Records, for this album. SOUNDMAKER's newly remastered full-length album, “I’M ONLY HUMAN”, is a collective of Soundmaker’s skillfully mastered songs that gives listeners a variety of enjoyment. This album features some of music industry’s rising stars such as Clavita, Giselle, Tanya Kwiin, Trampoline Culture, Hadihad, West1ne, Lenox, and Platinum Only. Soundmaker has created the tone of this album blending Hip-hop, R&B, new-type hyper-punk, and alternative rock. The album's title song "Hibiki" is an emotional hip-hop song that sensibly unravels the emotions and experiences of SOUNDMAKER's first work at the famous Penthouse Studios. Listeners can catch addictive guitar loops and trendy drill rhythms on the title song. Enjoy the message behind SOUNDMAKER's [I'm Only Human] album, which showcases this new generation’s leading genres in 2022. [Credit] Executive Produced by JAE HOON JANG aka NO(Y)B Produced by JMG Publishing All Songs Produced by Soundmaker Lyrics by Soundmaker, Clavita (Track 8, 9), Trampoline Culture (Track 7), Giselle (Track 6), Tanya Kwiin (Track 4) Composed by Soundmaker, West1ne (Track 9), Lenox (Track 6), Hadihaad (Track 5), Hadihaad (Track 4), Platinums Only (Track 1) Arranged by Soundmaker, West1ne (Track 1, 9), Hadihaad (Track 4) All Instruments by Soundmaker Original Publisher @JMG Publishing