The theme of this work is "mimicry and parasitism". The aim was to impersonate and parasitize various objects such as existing pop music, vaporwave, shoegaze, and film music, and to generate something monstrous out of them. The result is a clearer and more poignant realization of the hyperactive and fractured song structures and layers of nostalgia and malevolent parody found in the previous work, "do you recognize me?" Ableton Live was used for production, which involved a seamless process from demo production to recording and mixing. The members' recorded material and takes were retroactively edited and looped, and multiple edits were made until the impersonal nature of each piece of material was lost. The completed pieces were then further cut and reconnected. As references, the project includes vaporwave tracks by death's dynamic shroud, catsystemcorp and Macintosh Plus, electronic music such as Arca and OPN, hip-hop tracks of Kanye West, shoegaze, J-pop, film music and others. J-Pop, film music, etc. were referenced (references are available as a playlist).