

  • 歌唱: 群星
  • 发行时间:2011-11-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


2011年法国发烧古典唱片公司Harmonia Mundi发行的30CD精选,内容是18世纪启蒙时代的音乐、包含了巴赫、库普兰、维瓦尔第、亨德尔、塔蒂尼、海顿、莫扎特、贝多芬等著名作曲家的作品。演奏者也包含了查拉·班契尼和她的415合奏团、德国弗莱堡巴洛克乐团、勒内·雅各布斯(René Jacobs)、安德雷斯·斯泰尔(Andreas Staier)、东京弦乐四重奏、柏林古乐学会乐团等等。 本张CD则是iTunes Store 独家发行的29首曲目的精选、HM的发烧级录音技术让您完美欣赏到从巴洛克的黄昏到浪漫主义的黎明这段时期的精彩音乐。 The unprecedented expansion of music in the age of enlightenment. The eighteenth century is probably the most extraordinary period of transformation Europe has known since antiquity. Political upheavals kept pace with the innumerable inventions and discoveries of the age; every sector of the arts and of intellectual and material life was turned upside down. Between the end of the reign of Louis XIV and the revolution of 1789, music in its turn underwent a radical mutation that struck at the very heart of a well-established musical language. In this domain too, we are all children of the Age of Enlightenment: our conception of music and the way we ‘consume’ it still follows in many respects the agenda set by the eighteenth century. And it is not entirely by chance that harmonia mundi has chosen to offer you in 2011 a survey of this musical revolution which, without claiming to be exhaustive, will enable you to grasp the principal outlines of musical creation between the twilight of the Baroque and the dawn of Romanticism.

