

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2024-07-12
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


来自布拉格的画是一张灵感来自布拉格和其他欧洲城市艺术文化的钢琴专辑。每一首曲子都捕捉了这些城市中的独特魅力和艺术氛围,从查理大桥的日出,到伏尔塔瓦河的夜晚,再到艺术馆的黄昏,这些旋律带领听众穿越古老的街道和文化名胜。这张专辑旨在让听众感受到欧洲城市的艺术之美与历史厚重,仿佛置身于那些画家和艺术家的世界中。 Paintings from Prague is a piano album inspired by the art and culture of Prague and other European cities. Each track captures the unique charm and artistic atmosphere of these cities, from the sunrise over Charles Bridge to the night on the Vltava River and the art gallery at dusk. These melodies guide listeners through ancient streets and cultural landmarks. This album aims to let listeners feel the artistic beauty and historical depth of European cities, as if they were immersed in the world of painters and artists.

