Let It Shine

Let It Shine

  • 流派:Jazz 爵士
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2002-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑


Drawing together a unique blend of rhythmic and melodic flavors from R&B, soft jazz, gospel and worldbeat, Let It Shine is a collection of contemporary music with a positive message. The songs are sung by a variety of soulful vocal artists and touch on themes from the book ExpressYourself: Discover Your Inner Truth, Creative Self & the Courage to Let It Out, by Joy Lynn Freeman Bios: Fulton Tashombe, a professional musician for over 30 years, works with a wide range of musical forms including, jazz, soul, R&B, gospel, pop, reggae, country as well as original material. As a pianist, vocalist, composer, conductor and arranger, he has performed with famed recording artists such as The Whispers, The O'Jays, Johnnie Guitar Watson, Emil Richards and others. In addition, Tashombe has worked with or had his musical expertise on numerous recordings, including those of, Natalie Cole, MC Hammer, Felton Pilot, Quincy Jones and many others. The creator and lyricist, Joy Lynn Freeman, has been a pioneer in the field of personal growth and transformation for over 30 years, as a as a personal coach & counselor, author, nature guide, expressive artist (singer, dancer, drummer) and public presenter. Among numerous creative projects she has authored the book, Express Yourself: Discover your inner Truth, Creative Self and the Courage to Let it Out, 2 positive lyric music CDs, and facilitates unique, inspiring and life altering workshop/retreats including Express Your Soul’s Voice integrating voice, movement, creative expression, and psycho-spiritual process. Her unique work and presence assists others in finding the strength and courage to express their authentic and creative selves, speak their truth and follow their callings. Joy is available for entertaining, uplifting and inspiring public lectures integrating spoken word and songs. To contact her for speaking or to bring Express Your Soul’s Voice workshops to your area contact her at joyfreeone@live.com or 561-429-4464 Joy’s Statement about the creation of this CD: It is my greatest passion and joy to see others open to the fullest expression of who they are and revel in the essence and soul of life. This CD was created as an act of divine inspiration that might assist others in that realization. When I started this project, I did not know what it was about or what I was to do with it. All I knew was that after I said yes to the guidance and committed to the project, song lyrics started flowing through one after the other. Fulton Tashombe's generous offer of time, energy and talent was truly an act of divine grace, for which I am very grateful. After a time it became apparent that the CD was to accompany the book that I had been writing. Often messages are received more easily through music than with written words alone. It is my sincerest hope that after listening to the CD and reading the book, you will allow yourself to be fully who you are and shine even more than you already do. Let this CD be a reminder to Express Your Self and Let It Shine! Song Notes: 1 What Do You Feel 3:51 By letting ourselves feel our emotions, both what is current and what is stored deep within the cells of our body from the past, we open ourselves to being more fully present and empowered in the here and now. Vocals Fulton Tashombe 2 Learning and Growing 4:08 If we allow ourselves to feel what we feel, stay aware of our personal truths, and know that what we see in others is just a reflection of what is in ourselves, we will continue to learn and grow. Vocals Kelly Covington 3 Free to Be Me 5:06 Sometimes our inner critic can weigh heavy on our souls and keep us from going forward in life. It takes, standing up to the inner critic and refusing to follow its lead. Affirming your worth and going for it anyway, regardless of what your critic tries to tell you is an important step in over coming this gremlin. Vocals Saphyre 4 Who Am I 4:41 It is so easy to get caught in the co-dependent loop in relationships, to the point that we don't know who we really are or what we want for ourselves. Learning to love and take care of ourselves and to stand up for our own truths is the way out of this cycle. Vocals Kelly Covington 5 Love What I Do 1:07 One of the most noble goals we can have is to "do what you love" in the world. This is expressing ourselves on a larger scale and truly the way to make the greatest contribution. Vocals Tomas Hughs 6 Trust The Process 4:08 This is another hard one to learn, like surrender, but what a huge difference it makes in the quality and ease in life, when we get it. Vocals Joy Freeman 7 Giving Thanks 3:10 With all the wonderful transformations that have occured from doing the work on what I call "The Path Of Truth", I often find myself in a state of gratitude. Vocals Kelly Covington 8 Surrender 3:12 There are times when letting go is all you can do. In fact, I have found it is called for most all the time. It is not always easy, but with regular practice it gets easier. Learning the art of surrender is helps life feel softer and more supported Vocals Veronica Ball 9 Glad To Be Alive 4:45 I find it a powerful practice simply to affirm life. Its another way of expressing gratitude. Vocals Fulton Tashombe 10 Light In The Soul 3:33 This is a Confucius proverb that states peace in the world starts at home - in our own hearts and souls. Vocals Fulton Tashombe & Gabriel Tashombe 11 Break Free 7:11 Often we look outside ourselves to others to provide a sense of love, security and safety. When we anchor into our own inner sense of security and break free of our reliance on outcomes and others behaviors, then we have the potential to soar in our relationships. Vocals Fulton Tashombe 12 Still Stand Tall 4:47 We have been trained that certain emotions and ways of being are not OK, even shameful. We can regain our strength, power and the ability to fully express who we are by letting go of all judgments of ourselves. Vocals Fulton Tashombe 13 Still Stand Tall Poem 3:36 Our judgments of ourselves carry over to become judgments of others. If we can own these judgments of others for what they truly are, that is, a reflection of ourselves, then there is hope for peace and harmony, with in ourselves, our relationships and even in the world. Vocals Joy Freeman 14 Let Myself Go 4:26 We have been taught to live up to ideals and expectations that are not neccessarily what we are about. There comes a point in life where we decide to do what ever it takes to find out who we really are, then begin stand up for our truth and finally express ourselves in ways that are true to the esssence of who we are. Vocals Fulton Tashombe 15 Feeling Loving & Letting Go 4:00 Moving to the fullest expression of our being requires re-learning how to feel, loving and accepting all aspects of ourselves, and letting go of what we are attached to or that does not serve us anymore. Vocals Fulton Tashombe 16 Peace 3:32 Finding the truth within, honoring and accepting it, and being willing to express it, leads to an internal state of peace, that is then reflected in our lives. Vocals Jackie Ryan, Kelly Covington, Fulton Tashombe 17 Let It Shine 4:50 We are all unique and incredible beings with something special to offer. Because our society is based on unrealistic standards and judgmental attitudes, it often feels unsafe to let ourselves be seen as we are. It is time to let this go, own our beauty, talents, strengths and unique gifts, and let ourselves shine. Vocals Fulton Tashombe
