- 歌曲
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主标题: 在寺庙中冥想 Music in the Realm of Fireflies 副标题: 一次生命的往复,亦是生命的觉醒 Improvisations for peace and healing 封底导语: 月夜下的山寺 悠悠的钟鸣 静谧的原野 泛起遥远记忆的回声 执一盏萤火 照亮黑暗 指引茫茫前路 捧一朵莲花 与光同行 向未来而生 Beneath the moonlit sky, the mountain temple bell tolls in the distance The tranquil fields resound with echoes of distant memories A firefly illuminates the darkness, guiding the way forward through the vast uncertainty Holding a lotus flower, we walk with the light towards the future 广告语: 在有萤火虫的地方录制音乐 瑞鸣音乐继《荒城之月》国际载誉后再度深刻表达 尺八 古筝 西塔琴 马头琴 伽倻琴 二胡 筚篥 大提琴 颂钵 中、日、韩、蒙古四国九位音乐人九种乐器 五百年寺庙中 依次应答 完全即兴合鸣 东方哲思 东方美学意境的融合佳作 汲取茫茫山野的纯净能量 演绎清幽古朴的自然之声 中日录音大师合作 同期录制 沉浸式聆听体验 潜入静谧如水的冥想空间 感悟天地万物生发的哲思 以音乐疗愈世界的创伤和迷惘 在觉醒中找寻崭新的生命意义 A firefly gently illuminates the darkness, guiding us through the darkess of uncertainty Holding peace in our heart, we walk towards the future Meditations in the Temple Following the international acclaim of the album Moon over City Ruins, Rhymoi Music, once again, delivers a profound expression Shakuhachi, Guzheng, Sitar, Gayageum, Morin khuur, Erhu, Cello, Hichiriki, and Sing Bowl Join in a Musical Prayer for Peace Nine musicians from China, Japan, South Korea, and Mongolia, each playing a different instrument, are gathered in a temple that is over five hundred years old Responding sequentially, improvising in unison, this is a masterful fusion of Eastern philosophical thoughts and aesthetic conception Drawing upon the pure energy of the vast mountain wilds, interpreting the serene and ancient sounds of nature Chinese and Japanese recording masters collaborate to create an immersive listening experience through simultaneous recording Entering the tranquil meditation space, immersed in in the universal mind, Healing the world's wounds and confusion with music, finding a new meaning of life in awakening 序: 在有萤火虫的地方录制音乐。 上毛高原的月夜野,一个纯粹乡村,有熊出没的地方。夜晚,岳林寺的铃木师父带着我行走在田野,追逐萤火虫的微弱亮光。蛙鸣,蝉声,星光满天,陌生又熟悉的情景。黑夜里行走,我打开手机探路,但被他制止。我恍然,眼睛本可以适应环境,萤火虫引领方向,我们都是大地的孩子。 童年,曾无数次行走在乡间小路,那时的我,最爱的就是田野,钓鱼、捉泥鳅,望着星空幻想。此刻,异国他乡,稻田旁,黑夜中,他问道,你要录什么?我说我们想用音乐为世界祈福,不要有战争、疾病、灾难,我想用音乐疗愈这个世界。 叶云川 音乐制作人 2022.9.23 Preface: Recording music in realm of fireflies. Tsukiyono in Jomo-kogen, is a rural area where bears prowl. Master Suzuki of Yuelin Temple guided me through the fields, chasing the subtle light of fireflies. The chorus of frogs and cicadas, under a canopy of stars, created a scene both strange and comfortingly familiar. As we walked in the darkness, I reached for my phone to light the way, but he gently stopped me. It dawned on me that my eyes could actually adjust to the surroundings, because the fireflies served as our guide. We are all children of the earth. Throughout my childhood, I often wandered the country roads, where the fields were my favorite spot for fishing, catching loaches, and dreaming under the stars. Now, beside the night rice field in a foreign land, he asked, " "What are you planning to record?" I replied that we wish to use music to bless the world, hoping for no wars, diseases, or disasters. I want to use music to heal the world. Yunchuan Ye Music Producer 09.23.2022 前言: 一朵洁白无暇的莲花,沉睡在万籁寂静的幽暗中。一切仿佛已不复存在,它却安静地含苞睡着,执着地等待着。直到终有点点萤火,在漫无止境的空寂中隐约闪现。微弱的光团慢慢扩散开来,逐渐变得越来越清晰,映出了天上的星月,照亮了伫立的山林,洒落在清澈的池水中,化作一串纯净的乐音,敲动了莲花的悠长梦境。那层叠的叶瓣,在闪动的光芒中舒展,随乐声的回环而绽放。 这朵苏醒的唯美的莲花,是承载希望之花,是迎接未来之花。抑扬起落的伽倻琴与古筝,为它的盛开献上祥和的韵律。深沉颤动的马头琴和二胡,对它讲述应被铭记的往昔故事。空灵的尺八与清亮的筚篥,用萦绕不散的鸣唱守望这朵花朵的生长。奇妙多变的西塔琴和温厚的大提琴,向它展示着无限辽阔的世界。最后一记通透悠长的颂钵击响,为这场生命不息的循环往复送上充满希冀的余音。 这朵与音乐相伴相生的莲花,是疗愈昨日之花,也是祈福光明之花。它生根于深邃的时间长河之中,萌发于静谧旷远的冥想空间。莲的一生,如同人的一生,历经新生、成长、绚烂、凋零、重生,却无时无刻不美。东方美学的诗情与禅意,赋予它如月色般皎洁的色彩。舞动的萤火和摇曳的烛焰,陪伴它一步又一步地开枝散叶,散发出更加明亮温暖的光华,去抚平心灵的伤痛与迷惘,消泯尘世的疮痍。纵使繁茂花朵终有零落、飘散之时,它所孕育的微小却又无比强烈的祈愿,也将在这周而复始转动的地球上,在这浩渺无垠的夜空下,留下难以磨灭的希望与力量。 日升月落,斗转星移,世界总在变换,人类走向明日的脚步永不停歇。2023年10月,来自中国、日本、韩国、蒙古国的一群音乐人,在音乐制作人叶云川的号召下,汇聚在位于日本东部上毛高原的岳林寺。在这座拥有五百年历史,保持着纯木制建筑原貌的禅宗古寺中,打破国别和文化的隔阂,运用九种起源各异的传统乐器,完全即兴弹奏、演绎出充满东方哲思内蕴的乐曲。音乐响起,身心沉浸在深邃宁静的氛围之中,与天地万物相观照,在沉思中觉醒,在重塑的未来中创造崭新的生命意义。 诞生于海拔2000米的乡野风光中的清幽古朴的乐音,被即兴编织为如同一朵寄托对当今世界的美好祝愿的“莲花”。音乐人们希望通过这种在亚洲多国文化中代表高洁和吉祥的花朵意象,令人重新审视生命与自然的关系,呼唤和平,以乐声疗愈这颗尚未消除战争、疾病与灾难的人类赖以生存的星球。 此刻,轻闭双眼,深深潜入空明澄澈的冥想世界。侧耳聆听星空与萤火的私语,聆听山风与溪流的吟唱。与自然共呼吸,回顾循环往复的生命历程,放下人生中所有的烦恼与杂念,与自我和解。让意识无拘无束地舒展、飞翔,徜徉在无边无际的天空下,怀抱憧憬与期盼,凝望月色播洒的原野上,晨光即将升起的方向。 Foreword: A pristine white lotus flower lies in slumber amidst the tranquil darkness. As if everything has vanished, it remains quietly dormant, patiently waiting. Until, at last, specks of fireflies flicker faintly in the boundless emptiness. The feeble glow slowly spreads, gradually becoming clearer, reflecting the stars and moon in the sky, illuminating the standing forest, and cascading into the clear pond, transforming into a stream of pure musical notes that stir the lotus's long dreamland. The layered petals stretch in the flickering light, blooming with the rhythm of the music. This awakened and beautiful lotus flower is a flower that carries hope and welcomes the future. The rising and falling of the gayageum and the guzheng offer a harmonious rhythm for its blooming. The deep vibrations of the morin khuur and the erhu tell it the past stories that should be remembered. The ethereal shakuhachi and the piercing hichiriki use lingering singing to watch over the growth of this flower. The wonderful and varied sitar and the warm cello show it the vast and boundless world. The last note of the transparent and long-lasting singing bowl sends a hopeful echo for this endless wheel of life. This lotus, born and grown with music, is a flower that heals the wounds of yesterday and blesses the brightness of the future. It takes root in the deep river of time and sprouts in the serene and vast space of meditation. Like human life, the lotus's life goes through birth, growth, splendor, decay, and rebirth, but it is always beautiful. The poetic and Zen-like beauty of Eastern aesthetics endows it with a moonlight-like color. Dancing fireflies and swaying candle flames accompany it step by step as it branches and leaves, emitting a brighter and warmer light to heal the pain and confusion of the soul and eliminate the scars of the world. Even though the lush flowers eventually fall and scatter, the tiny yet extremely strong wishes they nurture will leave an indelible hope and strength on this ever-rotating earth and under the vast and boundless night sky. The sun rises and the moon sets, the stars shift, the world is always changing, and humanity's journey towards the future never stops. In October 2023, a group of musicians from China, Japan, South Korea, and Mongolia, assembled by music producer Ye Yunchuan, gathered at Yuelin Temple, located on the upper reaches of the eastern part of Japan. In this 500-year-old Zen temple, which still maintains its original appearance of pure wooden architecture, broke down the barriers of nationality and culture, using nine traditional instruments of different origins, to play and interpret a program of improvised musical meditations. As the music played, the body and mind could be immersed in a profound and tranquil atmosphere, reflecting on the universe and awakening in contemplation, creating a new meaning of life in a reshaped future. The serene, ancient music, born amidst the rural scenery at an altitude of 2000 meters, is sonically woven into a "lotus flower" symbolizing wishes for the contemporary world. Musicians aim to evoke, through this flower that signifies purity and auspiciousness across various Asian cultures, a reevaluation of the relationship between life and nature, a call for peace, and a musical healing for our planet, which still grapples with war, disease, and disasters. At this moment, close your eyes gently and dive deep into the clear and serene world of meditation. Listen attentively to the whispers of the stars and fireflies, and the singing of the mountain winds and streams. Breathe with nature, reflect on the wheel of life, reconcile with yourself, and let go of all the troubles and distractions in life. Let your consciousness stretch and fly freely, wander under the boundless sky, and embrace the longing and anticipation, gazing at the direction where the moonlight spreads and the morning light is about to rise. 01.禅 尺八 悠长的气息缓缓吹奏出跌宕颤动的乐音,仿佛揭开了古老历史的画卷。千年浮现眼前,将一束洞彻形而上之生命本源的亮光,投射于历经磨难的浮世众生。于一呼一吸间,倾听宇宙和自然的回音,寻觅灵魂的归宿。心灵与天地相观照,净化一切纷扰的杂念,只留下空无一物的世界。此刻,在这空灵清寂的乐声中,在这凝固了时间的东方禅境中,开悟生命之本意,获得超然世俗的解脱和自由。 01. Zen Shakuhachi The long exhalation slowly plays the undulating and trembling music, as if unveiling the ancient historical scroll. Tens of centuries pass before our eyes, projecting a beam of bright light that penetrates the metaphysical origin of life onto the suffering beings of the world. Between the inhalation and exhalation, we can listen to the echoes of the universe and nature, and search for the destination of our soul. The mind and the world intuitively correspond, purifying all distracting thoughts, leaving behind only a world devoid of material concerns. In this moment, amid the ethereal and serene music, within this time-frozen Eastern Zen realm, the true essence of life is revealed, and we can attain a transcendent liberation and freedom from the secular world. 02.时间的影子 大提琴、古筝、二胡、筚篥 时间的光影,悄然拉长年华的轮廓,在记忆的波面上涂抹生命律动起伏的痕迹。那是如同初升阳光般的温暖流金,或是仿若暮雨纷飞时的浅淡成灰,如同大提琴奏出的这一曲斑驳陆离的弦音。时光的脚步,落在匆匆交错的弓弦间,时而驻足回首,时而从容前行,留下一段段去而不返的往昔风景。生命之唯美,正诞生于永恒与瞬间的交织。在此拥抱岁月的沧桑面容,迎接崭新的世界,在无常的人生之旅中重拾坚定的力量。 02. The Shadows of Time Cello, Guzheng, Erhu, Hichiriki The shadows of time quietly lengthen the contours of youth, blurring the traces of the ups and downs of life on the surface of memory. It is like the warm golden light of the rising sun, or like the pale gray of the falling rain at dusk, like the mottled string sounds played by the cello. The pace of time falls between the hurriedly interlaced bowstrings, sometimes stopping to look back, sometimes moving forward calmly, leaving behind a series of past scenery that will never return. The beauty of life is born from the interweaving of eternity and instant. Here, we embrace the vicissitudes of life and welcome a brand-new world, regaining firm strength in the impermanent journey of life. 03.到彼岸 古筝、大提琴、筚篥、西塔琴 到彼岸,在梵语中的音译为“波罗蜜”。那里是与现世相对的难以触及的远方,是超脱欲念解放自我的归宿。那里或是一片静谧怡人的清新田园,或是一个唯有纯净与安宁的仙境。提琴深沉奏响,西塔琴以南亚的音色,和应着挥洒颤动的古筝,营造出梦幻而迷离的氛围,仿佛是对未了尘缘的留恋,又像是对未及之境的向往和呼唤。曲至终段,乐声渐行渐远,如同行驶在生命之海上的一页扁舟,承载着几分期许与几分释然,慢慢消失在视野中,向着终将到达的彼方之岸。 03. To the Other Shore Cello, Guzheng, Hichiriki, Sitar "To the other shore" is the translation of the phrase in Sanskrit, "Paramita". It is a distant place that is difficult to reach, opposite to the present world, and is the destination for self-liberation beyond desires. It may be a serene and pleasant land, or a fairyland with only purity and tranquility. The deep sound of the cello, the South Asian stylings of the Sitar, and the vibrating tones of the Guzheng create a dreamy and blurred atmosphere, as if it is a nostalgia for the unfinished worldly affairs, and also like a yearning and call for the unreached realm. At the end of the song, the music gradually fades away, like a small boat sailing on the sea of life, carrying some hopes and some relief, slowly disappearing into the horizon, towards the other shore that will eventually be reached. 04.无边的旷野 马头琴、尺八、二胡、古筝、筚篥、伽倻琴、西塔琴、驼铃 苍凉音韵,在荒莽的原野上回荡,仿佛是记录在这片广袤的土地中的亘古回声,又像是来自于遥远时空中不知何人的对歌。举头遥望那一轮清亮的圆月,低头倾听这片幽远的乐声,自由地沉浸在如旷野般无边无际的冥想世界中。让那些美好的、珍视的、不舍的、懊悔的、哀伤的、迷惘的记忆,都在脑海中慢慢浮现,又缓缓飘远,随风而逝。在这片心灵的旷野上,逐渐忘却时间的流逝,获取一份自我修行的沉静力量。 04. The Vast Wilderness Morin khuur, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Guzheng, Hichiriki, Gayageum, Sitar, Camel Bell The desolate melody echoes across the vast wilderness. It seems to be an ancient echo across vast land, or it may be a song from a distant time and place, sung by someone unknown. Looking up at the bright round moon, and listening to this distant music, one can immerse themselves in a boundless meditation world like the wilderness. Let those beautiful, cherished, reluctant, regretful, sad, and confused memories drift away with the wind. In this wilderness of the soul, we can gradually forget the passage of time and gain a calm strength for self-cultivation. 05.晨钟 磬 一声钟鸣,在万籁寂静的幽暗中,泛起悠长回荡的声响,仿佛是来自于宇宙深处的呼唤,轻叩土地的深沉梦境。朦胧的曙光,已在遥远的地平线上缓缓升起,为空芜素寂的世界,重新涂染上明亮的色彩。树木在微风中簌簌摇曳,初生的花朵滴下清澈的露水。大自然生长勃发的声响,汇聚成一曲生命的韵律,对这连绵鸣动的晨钟,致以生生不息的回应。 05. Morning Bell Inverted Bell A bell tolls, echoing through the still and dark silence, as if a call from the depths of the universe, tapping into the deep dreams of the earth. The hazy dawn light slowly rises on the distant horizon, painting the empty and silent world with bright colors. Trees sway in the breeze, and newly blooming flowers drip clear dew. The sounds of nature's growth and vitality converge into a rhythm of life, echoing endlessly in response to the continuous tolling of the morning bell. 06.悠悠鹿鸣 二胡、大提琴 深沉的大提琴弦音,描摹出一棵枝繁叶茂的菩提树,根生在原野中的充满生命力的姿态。宛转回荡的二胡,仿佛是青草地上徘徊的小鹿,追逐着微风而低声鸣叫。在古老的传说中,佛陀曾多次转生为鹿,人们耳熟能详的“九色鹿”,便是其化身之一。释迦牟尼在菩提树下得道之后,首次为世人讲法的地方则叫做鹿野苑。在这舒缓的乐声中,追随被视为吉祥和智慧象征的小鹿,轻嗅菩提花叶的淡雅香气,感悟生命轮回的终极意义。 06. The Melody of Deer Erhu, Cello The deep strings of the cello trace out the sinuous pose of a lush bodhi tree rooted in the wilderness. The echoing sound of the erhu is like a deer wandering on the green grass, chasing the breeze and whispering softly. In ancient legends, Buddha has repeatedly reincarnated as a deer, and the well-known "nine-colored deer" is one of his incarnations. After Sakyamuni attained enlightenment under the bodhi tree, the place where he first preached to the world was called “Sarnath” (Deer Park). In this soothing music, one can follow the deer (which is regarded as a symbol of auspiciousness and wisdom), sniff the delicate aroma of bodhi flowers and leaves, and perceive the ultimate meaning of the wheel of life. 07.梦幻泡影 西塔琴、尺八、颂钹 无论多么巍峨的山岳,总会被风雨冲刷。再辽阔的江河,也会被泥沙填埋。期望被赞颂的金碧楼阁,徒留黄昏里鸟雀盘旋的荒丘。一切有为法,幻象有去来。人世繁华,也当如一片梦幻泡影。朝似晨露,随日光而消散。暮若晚霞,如电光般转瞬而逝。西塔琴拨出的悠扬深邃的弦音,随尺八吹奏的空灵音韵,悠然远去,如同记忆的沙砾,在荒芜的时间中被磨砺,风化,直至成为古老诗篇中诉说的传奇。 07. Dream Bubble Sitar, Shakuhachi, Singing Bowl No matter how lofty the mountains are, they will eventually be washed away by wind and rain. No matter how vast the rivers are, they will eventually be filled with sediment. The golden and jade pavilions that are expected to be praised will only become the barren hills where birds circle in the dusk. All the actions of the world are illusory, and will come and go. The prosperity of the world is a dream bubble. It is like morning dew that dissipates with the sunlight, or the evening glow that disappears as lightning. The melodious and profound sound of strings played by the sitar and the ethereal melody played by the shakuhachi will also gradually fade away, like the gravel of memory, being polished and weathered in the barren time, until they become the legend told in ancient poems. 08.回望千年 筚篥 古朴的筚篥乐音,仿佛来自时间深处的呼唤,令人摆脱心灵的束缚,暂别现世的喧嚣,展开一段跨越千年的漫长旅途。此曲原是日本雅乐曲目中最为知名的“越殿乐”的曲调。约1300年前自中国传入东瀛,被改编为日式风格后传承至今,并广泛地融入到地方民谣和流行音乐之中。在清亮幽远的乐声中,追寻生命原初的足迹,越过岁月的河流,倾听历史的回音。诵读一首古老跌宕的叙事诗篇,回望匆匆更迭的沧海桑田。 08. Looking Back a Thousand Years Hichiriki The ancient and simple sound of the Hichiriki seems to be a call from the depths of time, freeing the soul from the shackles of the present world and temporarily bidding farewell to the hustle and bustle of the world, embarking on a long journey that spans thousands of years. This song was originally the most famous tune of "Yoshino Court Music" in Japanese classical music. It was introduced to Japan from China about 1300 years ago, adapted into a Japanese style and passed down to this day, and widely integrated into local folk songs and popular music. In the clear and ancient music, we trace the original footprints of life, cross the rivers of time, and listen to the echoes of history. We recite an ancient and tumultuous narrative poem and look back at the rapidly changing world. 09.萤火虫之舞 西塔琴 灵动而跌宕的乐音,在西塔琴的琴弦上流转、跳跃,仿若自天幕中洒落的星尘,飘入雾气氤氲的林间和溪涧,幻化为无数光点,浮动、飞舞,以朦胧而轻柔的微光,在深沉寒凉的暗夜之中,编织一个宁谧的幻境。追随萤火虫的翩翩起舞,在旷远的山野中眺望流泻的月色。在泛起淡淡清香的荷塘边,感受晚风的摇曳,聆听潺潺流水和间歇鸣唱的蛙声。在漫漫长夜破晓之前,漫步徜徉于回忆的田野上,邂逅一段去而不返的悠远时光。 09. Dance of Fireflies Sitar The vivid and undulating melody flows and dances on the strings of the sitar, just like the dust of stars falling from the canopy into the misty forest and streams, transforming into countless specks of dancing light, and weaving a serene illusion with a hazy and gentle glow in the deep and cold dark night. Let us follow the fireflies' graceful dance, gaze at the flowing moonlight in the vast mountains, feel the swaying of the evening breeze by the lotus pond with a faint fragrance, and listen to the gurgling water and the intermittent croaking of frogs. Before dawn on the long night, let us stroll through the fields of memories, to encounter a distant time that has gone and will not return. 10.迷雾 尺八、大提琴、古筝 浓浓的雾色,弥漫在黎明时分的荒野上,晕染出一幅沉郁的水墨画卷。掠过的寒风,时而掀起迷雾的一角,露出起伏群山的朦胧映影。人生的路途,如同这被冷冽的雾气笼罩的原野,独身徘徊在不知方向的曲径上,所追求的目的地在道路的尽头时隐时现,却久久不能触及。空灵的尺八,向旅人传递穿越迷雾的通透智慧。温柔的大提琴,环抱着疲惫的旅人,为其送上些许暖意。愿胸中可始终怀揣一颗坚韧而明澈的心,度过艰难时世,终见拨云现日之时。 10. The Mist Shakuhachi, Cello, Guzheng A thick mist shrouds the wilderness at dawn, creating a melancholic ink painting. The passing cold wind occasionally lifts a corner of the mist, revealing the hazy shadows of undulating mountains. The journey of life is like this wilderness shrouded in cold mist, and we wander alone on a winding path without knowing the direction. The destination pursued looms at the end of the road, but it is elusive for a long time. The ethereal sound of shakuhachi conveys the wisdom of traversing through the mist. The gentle sound of cello embraces the tired traveler and offers him some warmth. May a resilient and clear heart always be carried through difficult times, until the clouds part and the sun shines. 11.浮生半梦 大提琴 弦音,回荡在记忆幽邃的缝隙里。是少年回忆中被夕阳染上金彩的麦浪,地平线上升起的冉冉炊烟,还是盛年时的壮志凌云,意气风发。回首匆匆半生,方知世事如梦,只闻刻印在岁月中的风声。转身再续前路,却见依稀白发,复而又生。观世间万象,纵有悲欢交错,得失无常,却也似那湍湍江河,奔流入海,不再复返。惟愿以淡然之心,行从容之路。任由窗外雨水倾落,与耳畔乐音共点滴,直至天明。 11. An Illusory Life of Dream Cello The sound of strings echo in the deep crevices of memory. It is the wheat waves dyed with golden colors by the setting sun in the memories of youth, the rising smoke from the kitchen chimney on the horizon, or the lofty ambitions and high spirits in the prime of life. Looking back on times passed, we know that the world is like a dream, and only the wind that is imprinted in the years is heard. Turning around to continue the road ahead, we see faint white hair growing repeatedly. Even though there are joys and sorrows, gains and losses in this world, life is also like the rushing rivers that flow into the sea and never return. I only wish to walk this solitary road with a calm heart. Let the rain pour out of the window and the music drop together until dawn. 12.莲的一生 古筝、尺八、二胡、大提琴 莲,沐浴光明而舒展,迎着清风悠然绽放,以不染纤尘的洁白花瓣,演绎生命的高洁与美好。莲,在风雨中飘摇而始终不改挺立的姿态,纵使凋谢零落,也将蛰伏于尘泥之中,静静等待着生命的循环。古筝拨动的晶莹乐音,如同淡雅的水墨笔触,勾勒出一朵洁白无暇的莲花。它根生在万籁寂静的幽暗之中,绽放于空蒙旷远的冥想空间,汲取希望和祈愿的力量而开枝散叶。纵使这朵唯美之花终有凋零重归泥土之时,岁月的流逝无法磨损它始终坚守的高洁清雅的姿态。行走于万丈红尘之中,愿能手执一支莲花,坚守一颗本心,不为淤泥所染,留下一路芬芳。 12. The Life of a Lotus Guzheng, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Cello The lotus, bathed in light, blooms serenely in the breeze, its nobility and beauty ever radiant with its pristine white petals untouched by dust. The lotus always sways in the wind and rain yet maintains its erect posture. Even as it withers and falls, it lies dormant in the mud, quietly awaiting the cycle of life. The crystal-clear musical sound of Guzheng, like the elegant strokes of ink, outlines a pure and flawless lotus flower. It takes root in the silence of the dark, blooms in the vast and distant space of meditation, drawing the power of hope and wishes to branch out. Even if this beautiful flower eventually withers and returns to the earth, the passage of time cannot diminish its noble and elegant posture. Walking in the vast world of mortals, we wish to hold a lotus in our hands, remaining true to our original heart, not be tainted by the mud, and leave a trail of fragrance. 13.苏醒 颂钹 空灵延绵的颂钵之声,将世界从漫长的沉睡中唤醒。昨日所经历的苦痛,已被时间的浪潮所冲刷、推远,只留下尚未完全愈合的伤痕。通向明日的道路,如同晨曦下凝结的露珠,泛着微小而坚定的光芒。让清新弥漫的花香,和唧唧歌唱的鸟鸣,以一曲温暖的生命之歌,润泽疲惫的心灵。世界继续运转,唯有怀揣美好的祈愿,去直面下一场生命的轮回。 13. Awakening Singing Bowl The ethereal and continuous sound of the singing bowl awakens the world from a long slumber. The pain experienced yesterday has been washed away by the tide of time, leaving only the scars that have not yet fully healed. The road to tomorrow is like dew condensed under the morning sun, emitting small but firm light. Let the fresh and pervasive fragrance of flowers and the chirping of birds sing a warm song of life to nourish tired souls. The world continues to go around, and only with good wishes can we face the next wheel of life. 14.远处的山 马头琴 洁白的云彩,在澄净的蓝天中悠然流动。连绵的山岳,在碧绿草原的尽头静静地矗立着。苍凉的马头琴弦音,沿着曲折延展的道路,飘向视野尽头的山峦,飘向不知名的远方。在这场人生的漫长旅途中,获得片刻闲适的休憩吧。然后继续跟随柔情颤动的弦音,再度前行,去寻觅一份温暖而坚定的力量。在地平线上初升的曙光里,在绽放的花朵滴下的幽香清露里,在回眸时难以忘却的明媚笑容里,在内心深处永不干涸的源泉里。 14. The Distant Mountain Morin khuur White clouds flow leisurely in the clear blue sky. Rolling mountains stand quietly at the end of the verdant grasslands. The desolate sound of the Morin khuur drifts along the winding road, towards the mountains in the distance, towards the unknown horizon. In this long journey of life, let us take a moment to rest and enjoy leisure, then continue to follow the tender and vibrant sound of the strings. Let us move forward again to find warm and steadfast power, in the dawn light rising on the horizon, in the fragrant dew dripping from blooming flowers, in the bright smile that is hard to forget when looking back, and in the never-drying fountain deep within. 15.瑞鹤飞舞.慷月调 尺八 这首尺八传统曲原名为“慷月调”,以三段式的苍凉幽远的乐声,分别描写了“月光的唯美”、“月色之凄清”和“残月的情趣”。据说,此曲的创作灵感源自北宋宋徽宗绘制的画作《瑞鹤图》。在清朗的月夜下,独坐在茂密的竹林中,以一支舒缓鸣奏的尺八,与来自遥远时空中的古人对歌。侧耳倾听,抛开一切杂念,让意识自由自在地舒展、飞翔,如同化为一只盘旋飞舞的瑞鹤,飞入缭绕的云雾之中,飞向夜空尽头的彼岸。 15. The Dance of The Auspicious Crane. The Tune of The Moon Shakuhachi The original name of this traditional shakuhachi song is The Tune of The Moon, which describes the "beauty of moonlight", "the melancholy of moonlight", and "the charm of the waning moon" through three sections of desolate and distant music. It is said that the inspiration for this song came from the painting "Ruihe Picture" (Crowned Crane) by Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty. Under a clear moonlit night, one sits alone in a dense bamboo forest, plays a slow-paced shakuhachi, and sings with the ancients from a distant time and space. Let us listen carefully, put aside all distracting thoughts, and allow consciousness to freely stretch and fly, like turning into a hovering and dancing crane, flying into the lingering clouds, and flying to the other side of the night sky. 16.梵花盛开 二胡、古筝、尺八、大提琴 梵花,其梵语的音译为曼陀罗。据说佛陀释迦牟尼向世人传法论道的时候,天空中降下了曼陀罗花的花雨,这种花自此被当作安宁和吉祥的象征。同时,由它衍生的圆形图案,被视为代表宇宙万物的符号,有“一花一世界”之称。舒缓鸣奏的二胡,和轻灵挥洒的古筝,仿若抚动花叶的微风,营造出一片恬然平和的氛围。仿佛置身于一丛盛开的梵花之中,直面内在的自我,感悟生命的喜悦,从自然中汲取深邃无垠的智慧,和如光芒般永照的希望。 16. The Buddha Flower Blooms Erhu, Guzheng, Shakuhachi, Cello The Buddha flower, whose Sanskrit transliteration is Mandala, is said to have been bestowed upon the world by Buddha Shakyamuni during his teachings. It is believed that a rain of Mandala flowers fell from the sky, and since then, this flower has been regarded as a symbol of tranquility and auspiciousness. Additionally, the circular patterns derived from it are considered symbols representing all things in the universe, known as "one flower, one world." The soothing sound of the erhu and the light and graceful strumming of the guzheng, like a breeze caressing the flowers and leaves, create a serene and peaceful atmosphere. It seems as if we are immersed in a cluster of blooming Mandala flowers, facing our inner selves, feeling the joy of life, and drawing profound and boundless wisdom and hope from nature. 17.一茶一席 伽倻琴 滴答,滴答,是屋檐上的雨水丝丝零落,在窗棂上留下细密的纹迹。噼啪、噼啪,如执起的棋子轻击棋盘,在席间泛起淡淡的余响。一团蒲座,一盏清茶,对窗独弈。古朴而厚重的伽倻琴弦音,与氤氲弥散的茶香,在清寂的空间中浑然交融。这尘世间难得的闲适时刻,仿佛能够洗净心灵沾染的一切尘埃,只留存几分宁静与淡泊。独坐于一茶一席间,在琴声中与天地相参,沉思生命与自然的本质关系,在乐声中与自我对话,聆听心灵深处被遗忘许久的真实声音。 17. One Tea, One Seat Gayageum Tick, tick, the raindrops on the eaves fall delicately, leaving fine patterns on the window sill. Clack, clack, like a chess piece lightly tapping on the board, it creates a faint echo around the table. A wicker seat, a cup of green tea, one plays chess alone by the window. The ancient and heavy sound of the gayageum strings blends perfectly with the lingering aroma of tea in the quiet space. This rare moment of leisure in the world seems to wash away all the dust that has stained the soul, leaving only a bit of tranquility and indifference. Sitting alone with a tea and a seat, one can participate in the world, ponder the essential relationship between life and nature, converse with the inner self in the music, and listen to the true voice that has been forgotten for a long time. 18.空 尺八 轻闭双眼,安坐于静谧之地。倾听那深沉而悠长的声响,尺八仿佛穿透心灵,净化一切纷扰的杂念,只留下几乎空无一物的素寂世界。一轮明镜,高悬于天地之间,映照出真实的自我,昭示着生命衍生变化的无限可能。在这清澈空明的冥想世界中,倾听宇宙和自然的吐息,领悟“本来无一物,何处染尘埃”的禅意,和物我浑融的传统哲思。 18. Emptiness Shakuhachi Close your eyes gently and sit in a quiet place. Listen to the deep and long sound of the shakuhachi as it penetrates the soul and purifies all the distracting thoughts, leaving only a nearly empty and silent world. A bright moon hangs high between heaven and earth, reflecting the true self and revealing the infinite possibilities of life's changes. In this clear and bright meditation world, listen to the breath of the universe and nature, comprehend the Zen meaning of "Originally, there's nothing; whence did the dust originate?", and the traditional philosophical thought of integrating ourselves with the world. 19.泪光 二胡 胡琴紧拉慢唱,时而似涓涓细流,时而又似萧瑟秋风。那跌宕的弦音,包含了多少生命的感悟,穿透沁凉的夜色,唤起无尽的思绪。面颊上滑落的那一滴泪,是忧愁之泪,为所经历的辛酸和不甘而落。它也是喜悦之泪,见证了无数生命中闪现的奇迹与感动。每一次落泪,都是对往事的回顾,也是与自我的深刻对话。在闪动的泪光中,满怀感触地挥别昨日,迎接下一次的崭新旅程。 19. Tears Erhu The erhu plays slowly, sometimes like a trickling stream, sometimes like a bleak autumn wind. The undulating sounds contain so much insight into life, penetrating the cool night and evoking endless thoughts. The tear that slides down the cheek is a tear of sorrow, for the hardships and unwillingness experienced. It is also a tear of joy, witnessing the countless miracles and emotions that flash in lives. Every tear shed is a review of the past and a profound dialogue with oneself. In the tears, we bid farewell to yesterday and welcome the next new journey. 20.暴雨将至 伽倻琴、尺八、二胡、马头琴、西塔琴、筚篥、古筝 冷冽的山风,掠过丛生的蒿草,吹过沉积岁月痕迹的木造长廊。逐渐积聚的云层,遮蔽了朦胧的星光与夜色。丝竹交缠的悠远乐音,和应着山风的呜咽,仿佛在诉说即将降下的骤雨的狂烈。让雨水灌注的洪流,带着自然生发的恢弘声响,冲刷记忆的沟壑,涤荡尘世的纷扰。昨日的懊悔,和今日的惆怅,都将随倾落的暴雨,汹涌而去。直至晨光将现,雨夜已然逝去,留下一片清澈空明的心境。 20. Rainstorm is Coming Gayageum, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Morin khuur, Sitar, Hichiriki, Guzheng The cold mountain wind sweeps through the dense wormwood, blowing past the wooden corridor that bears the traces of time. The gradually gathering clouds obscure the dim starlight at night. The distant music of stringed and woodwind instruments intertwines with the whimpering of the mountain wind, as if telling the fury of the impending rainstorm. Let the torrent of rainwater, with its naturally occurring grand sound, wash away the ravines of memory, and clean the disturbances of the world. The regrets of yesterday and the melancholy of today will all rush away under the pouring rainstorm. When the morning light appears, the rainy night has passed, leaving behind a clear and bright state of mind. 21.心泉 古筝 指尖轻拨,古筝低吟。灵动剔透的乐音时远时近,飘渺若梦,凝聚为一股清凉的细流,穿透苍茫的时空,如潺潺泉水,流涌于心。轻闭双眼,让灵魂与这悠扬的琴声相共鸣。仿佛置身于绿意盎然的幽谷里,踏足于溪涧之间,在汩汩流淌的水波中,观望自我面容的真实映影,探寻天人合一的传统哲思。传统中国音韵的弦音,令心灵回归原初的纯净,沉浸在无尽的宁静与安详之中。 21. Heartspring Guzheng With a flick of the fingertips, the guzheng whispers. The elegant and clear melody drifts in and out, dreamlike and ethereal, condensing into a cool stream that penetrates the vastness of time and space, like a babbling spring, flowing into the heart. Close your eyes and let your soul resonate with the melodious sound. It is as if you are in a verdant valley, stepping between streams, watching the true reflection of your own face in the crystalline water, and exploring the traditional philosophy of harmony between human and nature. The rippling sounds of traditional Chinese music bring the soul back to its original purity, immersed in endless tranquility and serenity. 22.驼铃声声 驼铃 22. The Sound of Camel Bells Camel Bells 23.磬鼓共鸣 磬 木鱼 23. Resonance of Inverted Bell and Wooden Fish Inverted Bell, Wooden Fish 24 消失的地平线 大提琴 24. Lost Horizon Cello 25. 南方的风 西塔琴 西塔琴声如泉涌,在耳畔潺潺流淌。心灵随音律而舞动,幻梦在乐韵中萌生。飞翔在夜空中闪烁的繁星之间,倾听宇宙的私语,感受光芒的脉动。追随日月运行的轨迹,遥望时间与空间的尽头,探求天地万物的至理,体会人世间恒久不变的智慧和真谛。在幻想与沉思的片刻间歇里,再度回眸静看银河中的群星。在漫漫长夜破晓之前,愿以晶莹星光,照亮人心的幽壑,南方炎热的风,驱散黑暗的寒凉,编织一个宁谧恬美的梦境。 25. The Wind of the South Sitar The sound of the sitar flows like a spring, tenderly ringing in the ears. The soul dances with the rhythm, and dreams sprout from the melody. Let us soar among the twinkling stars in the night sky, listen to the whispers of the universe and feel the pulse of light. Let us follow the trajectory of the sun and moon, gaze into the end of time and space, explore all things in heaven and earth, and experience the eternal wisdom and truth of the world. In the momentary pause between fantasy and contemplation, we turn back and quietly watch the stars in the Milky Way. Before the dawn of the long night, I wish to illuminate the heart with crystal starlight, dispel the cold darkness with the hot southern wind, and weave a tranquil and beautiful dream. 26.归去来兮 伽倻琴、筚篥 皎洁的月光,如同一道银白色的纱幔,轻柔地笼罩着静谧的树林。夜风穿过林间的幽径,轻抚簌簌作响的叶片。柔和低沉的伽倻琴,与清脆明亮的筚篥,如同两位自古典辞赋中走出的雅致文人,告别尘世的烦忧,回归自然宁静平和的氛围,怡然相对,彼此倾听,延续着如同高山流水一般的悠扬对话。以此婉转如梦的丝竹之声,营造一片美好和自由的世外桃源,勾勒一派安享山水之乐的生存姿态,表达一种身处市井而心向田园的意趣和精神寄托。 26.Returning Gayageum, Hichiriki The bright moonlight, like a silver-white veil, softly envelops the tranquil woods. The night wind passes through the secluded paths in the forest, gently caressing the rustling leaves. The soft and deep sound of the gayageum and the crisp and bright sound of the hichiriki, like two elegant literati coming from classical poetry, bid farewell to the worries of the world and return to peaceful and harmonious nature. They are joyfully facing each other, listening to each other, continuing the melodious dialogue like the high mountain and the flowing water. With this dreamlike sound, a beautiful and free utopia is created, outlining a peaceful lifestyle with the beauty of mountains and rivers, expressing spiritual yearning for the nature amidst the bustling city. 27 如是我闻 古筝、尺八、二胡、大提琴 27. As I Have Heard Guzheng, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Cello 演奏者简介: Musicians: 尺八:长谷川将山 長谷川将山 师从藤原道山,毕业于东京艺术大学,获得该大学的硕士学位。他曾荣获同声会奖和东京艺术大学艺术节2022大奖东京艺术大学校长奖。他是都山流尺八乐会师范、日本三曲协会、日本尺八演奏家网络(JSPN)和都山流道山会会员,并担任法政大学三曲会讲师。他目前正在YouTube上展开多重录音策划“全员将山”,隶属于株式会社DO。 Shakuhachi: Shozan Hasegawa Shozan Hasegawa studied under Fujiwara Michiyama and graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts with a master's degree. He has won the Tongsheng Hui Award, and the Art Festival 2022 Grand Prize President's Award at Tokyo University of the Arts. He is a teacher of the The Tozanryu Shakuhachi Foundation Normal School, a member of the Japan Sanke Association, the Japan Shakuhachi Players Network (JSPN), and the member of The Tozanryu Daoshanhui, and serves as a lecturer at the Hosei University Thre-song Association. He is currently planning a multi-recording project called "The Performer and All Staff" on YouTube, affiliated with DO Co., Ltd. , 筚篥:春日瑠史子 春日るり子 毕业于东京艺术大学音乐学部日本音乐系雅乐专业。她曾荣获“安宅奖”,在筚篥、乐筝、打物、古代歌谣、左舞、國風舞等方面都颇有造诣。在日本最大的摇滚音乐节 FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL'18 的舞台上,她出演了巫女舞、白拍子舞及筚篥。在此之外,她也在广泛的领域中开展演出活动。 Hichiriki: Ruriko Kasuga Ruriko Kasuga graduated from the Department of Japanese Music, Faculty of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in Gagaku. She has won the "Yoshizuka Award" and is proficient in hichiriki, koto, taiko, ancient ballads, left dance, and traditional Japanese dance. At Japan's largest rock music festival, FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '18, she performed the shrine maiden dance, white beat dance, and hichiriki: bili pipe. In addition, she also performs in a wide range of fields. 伽倻琴:金秀一 金 オル 毕业于韩国梨花女子大学韩国音乐系伽倻琴专业,在韩国师从于黄炳基、郭銀兒、曺侖廷等人。目前以日本为主要的活动基地,同时也在海外进行演出。她是为数不多的12弦伽倻琴兼25弦伽倻琴的演奏者之一,并担任金秀一伽倻琴教室的主理人(东京、名古屋)和韩国驻日本大使馆韩国文化学院世宗学堂伽倻琴讲座讲师。 Gayageum: Kim Eol Kim Eol graduated from Ewha Woman’s University in South Korea with a major in Gayageum from the Department of Korean Music. In South Korea, she studied under the tutelage of Huang Bingji, Guo Yin'er, and Chao Lunting. Currently, she primarily bases her activities in Japan while also performing overseas. She is one of the few performers who can play both the 12-string and 25-string Gayageum, and she serves as the manager of Kim Soo-il's Gayageum classroom (in Tokyo and Nagoya) and as a lecturer for the Gayageum lecture series at the Sejong Hall of the Korean Cultural Institute at the Korean Embassy in Japan. 西塔琴:小日向英俊 小日向英俊 东京音乐大学音乐学教授和西塔琴演奏家。于1987年完成了印度国立贝拿勒斯印度教大学研究生院课程(M. Phil. Musicology),并撰写了《印度贝拿勒斯音乐时代》 (1992 年) 。他自1982年开始跟随 Krishner Chakravarti 学习西塔尔,2005年发行个人独奏专辑《在月光下 Under the Moonlight》。 Sitar: Hidetoshi Kobinata Hidetoshi Kobinata is a professor of musicology at Tokyo College of Music and a sitar player. In 1987, he completed his postgraduate studies at the M. Phil. Musicology program at the Banaras Hindu University in India and authored "The Music Era of Banaras, India" (1992). He began studying sitar under Krishner Chakravarti in 1982 and released his solo album "Under the Moonlight" in 2005. 大提琴:林春香 毕业于东京艺术大学器乐系,并取得该大学研究生院硕士学位的大提琴演奏家。她发行过多张专辑,其中最新专辑《疗愈大提琴音乐系列 - 吉卜力最佳》由日本哥伦比亚唱片公司发行。她曾于多名国内外知名艺术家合作演出。虽然古典音乐是她演出活动的核心,但她也广泛地涉及于其它演出领域。她还是一名电台主持人,这扩大了她的音乐表现范围。 Cello: Haruka Hayashi Haruka Hayashi is a cellist who graduated from the Department of Instrumental Music at the Tokyo University of the Arts and obtained a master's degree from the graduate school of the same university. She has released several albums, including the latest album "Healing Cello Music Series - Best of Studio Ghibli," which was released by Columbia Records Japan. She has performed with many well-known artists both domestically and internationally. Although classical music is the core of her performance activities, she is also widely involved in other performance fields. She is also a radio host, which expands her range of musical expression. 马头琴:巴特尔德勒 バトエルデネ Morin khuur: Baterdene 二胡:李英姿 二胡演奏家、电子音响音乐作曲家、并担任洗足学园音乐大学非常勤讲师和游戏音乐制作总监。她取得了东京艺术大学硕士学位,2020年发行首张二胡专辑《Beyond》。她曾参与电影《冰室蓮司》、人气游戏《卧龙: 苍天陨落》、《王者荣耀》、《圣斗士星矢》、《八方旅人II》、《游戏王:大师对决》等作品中的二胡录制。她创作的电子音响音乐作品多次在日、中、法、美等国际作曲比赛和音乐节中获奖并演出。 Erhu: Yingzi Li A renowned erhu performer and composer of electronic acoustic music, she is also a guest lecturer at the School of Music, Shizuoka Gakuin University, and serves as the director of game music production. She earned her master's degree from the Tokyo University of the Arts and released her debut erhu album "Beyond" in 2020. She has contributed to the erhu recordings in films such as "Ryoji Kumura" and popular games like "Wolong: Heaven Falls," "Arena of Valor," "Saint Seiya," "Octopath Traveler II," and "Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel." Her electronic acoustic music compositions have been awarded and performed in numerous international composition competitions and music festivals across Japan, China, France, the United States, and other countries. 古筝:毛丫 东京音乐大学特任教授(古筝专业硕/博导师)、World Music Academy主理人、中国筝琴海外学会理事长和TG BAND主奏。她毕业于中央音乐学院,取得东京艺术大学硕士及博士学位,并成为美国哥伦比亚大学客座研究员。她研制开发了“WS移柱转调筝”,创立了原创沉浸式器乐音乐剧《老北京胡同》。她还作为音乐总监及演奏,参与录制即兴专辑《荒城之月》。 Guzheng: Ya Mao Adjunct Professor at Tokyo College of Music (Master's and Doctoral Supervisor for the zither), Founder and Director of World Music Academy, President of the Chinese Zither Overseas Society, and Principal Performer in TG BAND. She graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music and obtained Master's and Doctoral degrees from Tokyo University of the Arts, and was a visiting researcher at Columbia University in the United States. She developed the "WS Transposition Guzheng with Moving Pillars" and created the original immersive instrumental musical "Old Beijing Hutongs". She also participated in the recording of the improvisational album "Moon over City Ruins" as the music director and performer. 录音师简介:小岛幸雄 小島幸雄 自幼年开始对音响领域产生了兴趣。他虽然以单簧管专业考入了日本国立音乐大学,但入学后一直出入音响技术室学习录音器材和录音技术。1974年,他成立了小岛录音。从模拟唱片时代开始,历经PCM到DSD的技术变迁,他已经制作了很多优秀录音盘和推荐盘。今年将迎来他录音历程的50周年。 About the Recording Engineer: Yokio Kojima has been interested in the field of audio since childhood. Although he was admitted to the National Music University of Japan as a clarinet major, he has been studying recording equipment and recording technology in the audio technology room since entering the university. In 1974, he established Kojima Recording. Since the era of analog records, through the technological changes from PCM to DSD, he has produced many excellent recording discs and recommended discs. This year will mark the 50th anniversary of his recording career. 混音师简介:李大康 中国传媒大学影视艺术学院教授、一级录音师、中国录音师协会理事。 从事录音工作三十多年,以认真负责、严谨细致的工作作风和全面扎实的录音技术以及丰富的录音实践经验著称,与国内外众多优秀艺术团体及艺术名家合作,并形成了自然、纯朴、细腻的音响风格。其中数十个作品获得国内和国际不同奖项。曾主持录制数届文化部春节晚会及新年、新春音乐会等上百场文艺演出。 About the Mixing Engineer: Dakang Li,Currently serving as senior professor of film and television arts at the Communication University of China, sound engineer Li Dakang is among China’s most respected veterans of the media arts as well as an esteemed educator and venerated mentor for young professionals. With more than 30 years’ experience in the recording industry, Li is highly esteemed for his serious and meticulous work ethic, his breadth of knowledge of the latest technologies and his wealth of practical experience in working with a wide variety of musical styles. Li has received numerous professional and international accolades for his work in television, theater, film and the concert hall, and is the senior sound engineering consultant for popular broach of the Spring Festival Gala concert. 制作人简介: 叶云川 音乐制作人,美国录音艺术与科学学会(NARAS)成员,格莱美奖投票成员,创立国际声誉卓著的音乐品牌“瑞鸣音乐”,并任制作人,中国金唱片奖最佳音乐人特别奖获得者,国家艺术基金项目“中国音乐地图”发起人、艺术总监。作品被国家图书馆、哈佛大学、加州大学、北京大学等大学图书馆永久收藏。 从事音乐创作、制作多年,获海内外众多重要媒体高度评价,所制作的音乐作品在国际高品质音乐领域得到高度认同,并行销世界各地,音乐触达百余个国家和地区,成绩斐然。担任制作人的音乐作品曾荣获 “全球音乐奖” “美国独立音乐大奖” “中国金唱片奖” “中华优秀出版奖” “华语音乐传媒大奖” 等一百九十余个奖项及提名。因多年与国际音乐制作的密切合作经历,音乐创作理念及制作手段具有国际化的开阔视角。 曾在哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、加州大学、北京大学、北京师范大学、中国传媒大学、中国音乐学院、中央戏剧学院、国家大剧院等举办讲座。 About the Producer: Yunchuan Ye, music producer, member of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS), member of the Grammy Awards voting committee, founder and producer of the internationally renowned music brand "Rhymoi Music", Special Award winner of Best Musician of China Golden Record Award, initiator and music director of National Art Fund Project "Musical Map of China". His works are permanently collected by the National Library of China, libraries of Harvard University, University of California, Cornell University, Peking University, and other university libraries. He has been engaged in music creation and production for many years, and has been highly praised by important music media in China and abroad. His music works are highly recognized in the high-quality music market, and are sold all over the world with remarkable achievements. As a producer, his records and music works have won more than 190 awards and nominations such as "Global Music Award", "American Independent Music Award", "China Golden Record Award", "China Excellent Publishing Award" and "Chinese Music Media Award". Due to years of close cooperation with the international music production, his music creation concept and production methods have a broad international perspective. He has given lectures at Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, University of California, Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Communication University of China, China Conservatory of Music, Central Academy of Drama, National Center for the Performing Arts, etc. 演奏成员: 古筝:毛丫 尺八:长谷川将山 長谷川将山 二胡:李英姿 大提琴:林春香 筚篥:春日瑠史子 春日るり子 马头琴:巴特尔德勒 バトエルデネ 西塔琴:小日向英俊 小日向英俊 伽倻琴:金秀一 金 オル 颂钹:叶云川 Musicians: Guzheng: Ya Mao Shakuhachi: Shozan Hasegawa Erhu: Yingzi Li Cello: Haruka Hayashi Hichiriki: Ruriko Kasuga Sitar: Hidetoshi Kobinata Morin khuur: Baterdene Gayageum: Kim Eol Singing Bowl: Yunchuan Ye 制作成员: 出品人:丁磊 叶云川 制作人:叶云川 音乐统筹:毛丫 制作统筹:李英姿 录音:小岛幸雄 混音:李大康 录音剪辑:张芳瑜 张博 录音助理:小岛典子 录制现场协助:赵燕 中文文案:赵子涵 英文文案: 朱怡雯 英文文案编审/媒体统筹:Joshua Cheek 媒体统筹助理:Emma Ye 摄影:YC 平面设计: 袁诗雅 后期制作协助:曹勐 出品:瑞鸣音乐 鸣谢:岳林寺 铃木洁州 Production crew: Producer: William Ding,Yunchuan Ye Executive Producer: Yunchuan Ye Music Coordinator: Ya Mao production coordinator: Yingzi Li Recording Engineer: Yokio Kojima Mixing Engineer: Dakang Li Recording Editor: Fangyu Zhang,Bo Zhang Recording Assistant: Noriko Kojima Production Assistant: Yan Zhao Chinese Copywriter: Zihan Zhao English Copywriter: Vivian Zhu English Copy Editor/Media Coordinator: Joshua Cheek Media Coordination Assistant: Emma Ye Photography: YC Graphic Design: Shiya Yuan Post Production Assistant: Meng Cao Acknowledgments: Gakurinji Ketsushu Suzuki Produced by: Rhymoi Music. Co., Ltd. Produced by: Rhymoi Music. Co., Ltd. www.rhymoi.com Email:rhymoi163@163.com Tel:86-10-84831327 著作权声明:本专辑所选音乐作品俱根据中国境内刊行出版物之资料登载著作权情况,如存讹漏请与我们联络。 Copyright Statement: The music and arrangements appearing on this album have been licensed in accordance with the copyright laws of China. If there are any errors, please contact us. 01. 禅 7:42 尺八 Zen (Shakuhachi) 02. 时间的影子 5:23 大提琴、古筝、二胡、筚篥 The Shadows of Time (Cello, Guzheng, Erhu, Hichiriki) 03. 到彼岸 6:19 西塔琴、大提琴、古筝、筚篥 To the Other Shore (Sitar, Cello, Guzheng, Hichiriki) 04. 无边的旷野 5:15 马头琴、尺八、二胡、古筝、筚篥、伽倻琴、西塔琴、驼铃 The Vast Wilderness (Morin khuur, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Guzheng, Hichiriki, Gayageum, Sitar, Camel Bell) 05. 晨钟 3:08 磬 Morning Bell (Inverted Bell) 06. 悠悠鹿鸣 5:48 二胡、大提琴 The Melody of Deer (Erhu, Cello) 07. 梦幻泡影 8:41 尺八、西塔琴、颂钹 Dream Bubble (Shakuhachi, Sitar, Singing Bowl) 08. 回望千年 5;51 筚篥 Looking Back a Thousand Years (Hichiriki) 09. 萤火虫之舞 4:57 西塔琴 Dance of Fireflies (Sitar) 10. 迷雾 5:48 尺八、大提琴、古筝 The Mist (Shakuhachi, Cello, Guzheng) 11. 浮生半梦 5:23 大提琴 An Illusory Life of Dream (Cello) 12. 莲的一生 7:26 古筝、尺八、二胡、大提琴 The Life of a Lotus (Guzheng, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Cello) 13.苏醒 2:15 颂钹 Awakening(Singing Bowl) 14.远处的山 5:06 马头琴 The Distant Mountain(Morin khuur) 16.梵花盛开 7:32 二胡、古筝、尺八、大提琴 The Buddha Flower Blooms(Erhu, Guzheng, Shakuhachi, Cello) 17.一茶一席 5:56 伽倻琴 One Tea, One Seat(Gayageum) 18.空 6:03 尺八 Emptiness(Shakuhachi) 19.泪光 3:51 二胡 Tears(Erhu) 20.暴雨将至 5:57 伽倻琴、尺八、二胡、马头琴、西塔琴、筚篥、古筝 Rainstorm is Coming(Gayageum, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Morin khuur, Sitar, Hichiriki, Guzheng) 21.心泉 5:26 古筝 Heartspring(Guzheng) 22.驼铃声声 1:40 驼铃 The Sound of Camel Bells(Camel Bells) 23.磬鼓共鸣 2:41 磬 木鱼 Resonance of Inverted Bell and Wooden Fish(Inverted Bell, Wooden Fish) 24 消失的地平线 7:06 大提琴 Lost Horizon(Cello) 25. 南方的风 2:05 西塔琴 The Wind of the South(Sitar) 26.归去来兮 5:12 伽倻琴、筚篥 Returning(Gayageum, Hichiriki) 27 如是我闻 7:45 古筝、尺八、二胡、大提琴 As I Have Heard(Guzheng, Shakuhachi, Erhu, Cello)