- 歌曲
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Zero Detail is made up of some goofy dudes from Houston who like to escape their 9-5 desk jobs by playing music - each having their own personal goals and aspirations. Alex, the bassist, dreams that one day Zero Detail will become an incredibly successful band so that he can later quit and start a wildly less successful careeer as a solo artist. He would love to coast into retirement. Matt, the lead guitarist hopes to one day make enough cash so the he can afford ridiculously large calf implants. He's tired of being called Skinny Leg Pete. But until then he vows to only wear the most calf flattering pants the market can offer. If you ever have the rare chance to see his bare legs in person, please do not bring them up in conversation. Taylor, the other guitarist, has a peculiar middle name. Storm. Yes. You heard right. He's basically a superhero with zero powers. But this saddens him quite often and would like to escape the never ending reminder of being a powerless "normie". He plans to fill this personal void with other fulfilling hobbies such as eating boxes of Twinkies, or lifting heavy objects solely with his lower back. He hopes that his musical exploits will pay for these incredible hobbies. The front-man, Brad, is absolutely cuckoo for pizza. All shapes, sizes, and crust densities. Hes an equal opportunity pizza consumer. He hopes to use all of his musical proceeds to hire a personal pizza master.