Tantalo: Baroque bel canto
- 指挥: Alessandro Urbano
- 乐团: L'Armonia degli Affetti
- 发行时间:2021-09-24
- 唱片公司:IBS Classical
- 类型:录音室专辑
- 歌曲
- 时长
作曲家:Bellerofonte Castaldi
作曲家:Giulio Caccini( 卡契尼)
作曲家:Marco da Gagliano
作曲家:Giovanni Kapsperger
作曲家:Domenico Mazzocchi
作曲家:Benedetto Ferrari
作曲家:Tarquinio Merula
作曲家:Giovanni Kapsperger
作曲家:Nicolò Fontei Orcianese
作曲家:Dario Castello
作品集:Sonate concertate in stil moderno, Book 2
作曲家:Benedetto Ferrari
作曲家:Barbara Strozzi
作曲家:Benedetto Ferrari
“Imitar col canto chi parla” (“imitating in song one who speaks”): that ideal, expressed by Jacopo Peri in the preface to his setting of Euridice, heralded a veritable revolution in vocal music, beginning with the experiments, towards the end of the sixteenth century, of the Florentine Camerata – a group of intellectuals and musicians led by Count Giovanni de’ Bardi, who aimed to revive the glorious art of ancient Greek tragedy. According to written accounts, the latter was sung, or spoken, in such a way that the words, while remaining intelligible at all times, were emotionally heightened. The members of the Camerata wished thus to break with the polyphonic madrigal tradition of the Renaissance and turn to accompanied monody, recitar cantando, thereby returning to the pre-eminence of the word as the means of conveying human emotions, with the music, henceforth subordinate to speech, serving to magnify and amplify it.