绿岛金魂 影集原声带

绿岛金魂 影集原声带

  • 流派:Soundtrack 原声
  • 语种:其他 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2022-11-27
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


《绿岛金魂》影集配乐由作曲家余政宪 YCH 担任音乐总监,该剧为 2022 年茁剧场的第四个系列影集。开拍前北村丰晴导演只用简讯打出几个关键字:「洞、宝图、蛇、挖金、日本二战、鬼、佛像、杀、犯人、骷颅头、黄金...」。 于是作曲上一开始以剧中的时代背景,设定弦乐以较大型管弦乐团的配置、拉奏出气势磅礡的曲风,代表时代寻宝的冒险精神,利用无调性弦乐带出有着悬疑鬼魅元素作为《绿岛金魂》的主题配乐。以《茉莉花》民谣制作多种不同风貌的变奏曲,衬托时代情怀。由于剧情转折多变,包含诙谐、悬疑、惊悚、时代冒险...整体配乐风格也非常丰富,从古典、史诗管弦乐、摇滚、Hit Hop、电子... 依照多变的戏剧张力组各种多样曲风元素。 为了录制呈现《绿岛金魂》气势磅礡与富有时代情怀的音乐。专辑特地下台南,在可容纳 800 人的大型音乐厅内录制音乐,录音当天人员多达 50 多人、除了台上大型弦乐团 23 人乐手老师,其他乐手则分别于台北、台南分流录音。录音时也搬出设置史坦威演奏级平台钢琴,以高质量录制声音,完美录制剧中配乐。 此次录音技术特别使用 Ambisonic 天空沉浸式环绕麦克风与 Decca Tree 5.1 环绕麦克风的技术录制,除了剧中音乐,《绿岛金魂》影集原声带专辑将以最新混音技术制作杜比全景声专辑,听众可因应最新沉浸式聆听音乐技术,于 APPLE MUSIC以及其他国际平台以聆听杜比全景声的环绕式音乐体验。 除了片头曲、片尾曲外,影集原声带也收录插曲专属主题曲《绿岛洗沙金》台语歌曲并邀请由黄镫辉演唱。这也是余政宪 YCH 首次创作台语歌曲的词曲、北村丰晴导演当时在制作《绿岛金魂》第一集时,看着五人主角出发去绿岛淘金的画面,提及是否能有一首「憨 中帅、帅中憨」的主题歌曲。于是邀请歌手黄镫辉诠释这首歌词要平易近人、憨又有力、歌曲曲风豪迈的《绿岛洗沙金》影集原创台语歌曲。 在创作电影音乐的理念上,余政宪(YCH)始终以取自绘画术语 Your Character Here(在这里放上你的角色,将角色带入主体)为声音与音乐的创作基底,期望电影音乐作品能表达角色的内心与行为,更使聆听者在欣赏音乐的同时,相信自己就是那个角色。一起来聆听这张《绿岛金魂》影集原声带专辑! 作曲:Y.C.H 余政宪 配乐/编曲:余政宪 谱务编谱:黄米亚、孙嘉豪 配乐录音:维光音乐 弦乐演奏:愚可室内乐集、凤鸣爱乐弦乐团 小提琴 1 部:蔡雨融、黄郁淇、陈弈宏、郑博升、黄若蓁、邱暄淯 小提琴 2 部:林晴葳、洪萁璠、陈俋文、许可、沈依孟、黄芊妤 中 提 琴:洪慈徽、郑农桦、廖晨享、江慧茹、吴俊汉、吴峻逸 大 提 琴:汪沛萾、徐惟翔、郑茹忆、徐稚翔 低音提琴:陈品宏 凤鸣爱乐弦乐团 第一小提琴:张筱玟、简佑霖、谢旻峰 第二小提琴:陈慧真、刘黛妏、孟令瑄 中提琴:黄馨颖、陈宛均 大提琴:许函洁、游静怡 低音提琴:黄仁怡 编曲协助:徐仪芳 竖 笛:陈思彤 巴 松 管:王圣邑 木 吉 他:韦仲恩 钢 琴:余辰耀 电吉他:余政宪 电贝斯:林宏宇 录音室:(台北)杰瑞音乐、(台北)玉成戏院录音室、(台南)维光音乐、(台南)梦想 田音乐馆 混音/母带处理/杜比 ATMOS:陈恩光 录音助理:吴幼恩、杨松兴 封面设计:陈逸萱、张佑宁、林芮宇 绿岛洗沙金 演唱人:黄镫辉 词/曲:余政宪 编曲/电吉他:余政宪 合声:黄镫辉、黄米亚 茉莉花吟唱曲 演唱人:叶星辰 合唱:黄米亚 词/曲:江苏民谣 编曲:余政宪 "Golden Dream on Green island" - The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack The soundtrack of "Golden Soul on Green Island" is composed by composer Yu Cheng-Hsien (YCH) as the music director. It is the fourth series of the 2022 Humble Theater series. Before the filming started, director Toyoharu Kitamura only typed out a few key words in a text message: "cave, treasure map, snake, gold digging, Japanese World War II, ghost, Buddha statue, murder, prisoner, skull, gold...". So at the beginning of the composition, based on the background of the era in the play, the string configuration was set to be that of a larger orchestra, and the majestic style of music was played, representing the adventurous spirit of treasure hunting in the era, using atonal strings to bring out suspense. Ghost elements are used as the theme soundtrack of "Golden Soul of Green Island". Produce a variety of variations with different styles based on the folk song "Jasmine Flower" to set off the feelings of the times. Due to the changeable plot twists and turns, including humor, suspense, thriller, time adventure..., the overall soundtrack style is also very rich, from classical, epic orchestral music, rock, hit hop, electronic... various elements of various genres. In order to record the music that presents "Golden Soul of Green Island" with great momentum and full of feelings of the times. The album was specially released in Tainan, and the music was recorded in a large concert hall that can accommodate 800 people. On the recording day, there were more than 50 people. In addition to the 23 musicians and teachers of the large string orchestra on stage, the other musicians were recorded separately in Taipei and Tainan. . When recording, a Steinway performance-grade grand piano was also moved out, and everything was recorded with high-quality sound, perfectly recording the soundtrack in the play. The recording technology specially used the technology of Ambisonic Sky Immersive Surround Microphone and Decca Tree 5.1 Surround Microphone. In addition to the music in the play, the original soundtrack album of "Golden Soul of Green Island" will use the latest mixing technology to produce a Dolby Atmos album. In response to the latest immersive music listening technology, you can listen to the surround music experience of Dolby Atmos on APPLE MUSIC and other international platforms. In addition to the opening and ending songs, the original soundtrack of the album also includes the exclusive theme song "Green Island Washing Sand Gold" Taiwanese songs and invited Huang Tenghui to sing. This is also the first time for musician Cheng-Hsien Yu YCH to create a Taiwanese song. Director Toyoharu Kitamura was making the first episode of "Golden Soul of Green Island", watching the five protagonists set off to go to the green island to pan for gold. On the screen, it is mentioned whether there can be a theme song of "Han Zhongshuai, Shuai Zhonghan". Therefore, singer Huang Tenghui was invited to interpret the original Taiwanese song of the album "Green Island Washing Sand Gold" whose lyrics should be approachable, simple and powerful, and the song style is heroic. In terms of the idea of ​​creating film music, Yu Zhengxian (YCH) has always used the term Your Character Here (put your character here to bring the character into the main body) taken from painting as the base of sound and music creation, hoping that film music works can Expressing the heart and behavior of the character makes the listener believe that he is that character while appreciating the music.
