This album embodies Bev Ross' lifelong commitment to the power of music to move us physically, emotionally and spiritually. Over the past decade, as a certified therapeutic harpist working in two major hospitals, Bev has brought gentle, healing music to hundreds of patients. Using her therapeutic training and her experience as a composer, Bev has created a haven of soothing sounds on harp, cello, violin and Irish flute. The Celtic melodies on the album flow from one to another for 45 continuous minutes of peaceful, gentle music for relaxing, releasing and restoring: 1. Southwind—harp, violin and cello: Southwind, Farewell and Suantrai na Maighdine 2. Stars—harp, Irish flute and cello: Bean an Tabhairne, Star of the County Down and She Moved Through the Fair 3. Summer—harp, cello and Irish flute: Belle, Arran Boat Song and Wild Mountain Thyme 4. Spring—harp, Irish flute and violin: The Smiling Spring and Gaelic Cradle Song 5. Solace—harp, violin and voice: Eleanor Plunkett and Taladh Chriosta