- 歌曲
- 时长
The music of Jack Potter, is mostly built upon the progressive rock styles of the 70's and 80's. He frequently uses keyboard sounds and styles from that period. That isn't to say that he doesn't occasionally break out of that mold, such as the case with his single "Self Made Man". Jack believes that the progressive style of that time frame is worth revisiting, and thoroughly enjoys creating music that hearkens back to that time period. He doesn't mind throwing in a touch of modern sounds and styles into the mix as well. His first CD entitled "Celestial Adventures" was a standard concept CD that runs for a whopping 70 minutes. He is currently working on his second CD that is yet untitled. He has release two songs from it in advance, the previously mentioned "Self Made Man" and another shorter progressive rock instrumental entitled "Cat and Mouse" which features the ARP Pro Soloist. Jack hopes to have the entire CD ready by the end of 2016