Pog Mo Thoin

Pog Mo Thoin

  • 流派:Rap/Hip Hop
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2009-01-01
  • 唱片公司:Underground Records
  • 类型:EP


So, What do y'all want to know?? Let's start with the name Shaymin. It stands for Stimulation Heals All Young Minds Influenced Negatively. My chosen Emcee name also derives from Shamanism which was once a staple as far as religious practice was concerned in many Native American tribes and is still practiced in many different corners of the world. The Shaman is the elder wise presence in the tribe who would work magic to heal the sick while simultaneously being committed to fulfilling his own fantasies before ever being worried about defining his role in society. How does this pertain to my music you ask?? Well first and foremost I feel as far as the youth of today is concerned their is a lot of clouded and shrouded minds that need healing. Music and how it relates to and grips the youth has been relegated to the equivalence of assembly line entertainment these days. Especially in Hip Hop!! The atmosphere that once was filled with balance, emotion, and substance in Hip Hop has been replaced by one sided slick marketed product in recent years. So due to these poisonous object circumstances it is going to take the restoration of magic and the practice of it within one's music to heal the sick mind, eyes, and ears that belong to today's youth due to faulty messages they are being fed. Not only are mixed distorted signals being sent about what Hip Hop is but also these kids will never know what timeless music sounds like. My only hope is to contribute to being part of the solution through the music I create. I am in no way saying I'm the answer. I treat what I do in Hip Hop and how I do it with an intense blue collar work ethic and blue collar approach. I will never sit here and bowl anyone over with how special or how cool I think I am. For I'm a man and a stand up guy in every sense of the word so therefore I'll never sit here and talk about what I am because I'm not afraid to show who I am and hopefully my music speaks for itself. For I prefer to speak loudest within the confines and through my music in the name of being the change I want to see in the world. In closing my music is best described as having the spirit of a man and the soul of a clown....
