人生中无法缺乏一杯香醇、一缕清苦与各式风味参杂的烟雾。彷彿没有咖啡就不能张开双眼感受一切的年纪,却也因此换来无法轻易入睡的多虑夜晚。 更轻一点的年纪时总听别人唱酒要一杯一杯的干,那咖啡也可以吗? Drinking coffee is a means of making an insomniac suffer from more anxiety when it's a lonely night again. In the morning, the lack of sleep makes the insomniac drink more coffee, as if it is the only thing she could do in order to handle all of the emotion she has after a severe night. An obvious vicious cycle constructed the life of this insomniac. She ignores it, sips, and sips again.