댄스 팝 (Dance Pop)

댄스 팝 (Dance Pop)

  • 流派:Pop 流行
  • 语种:韩语 纯音乐
  • 发行时间:2020-07-16
  • 唱片公司:StreetVoice
  • 类型:录音室专辑


上周的周末,我们骑着脚踏车越过了东部的五座山坡。五座山每座山都有不同的个性和艰辛。对于初学者来说,这不是一个简单的路线。五个山丘中的第一个是“벗고개”。这条路从一开始就高到似乎冲向天空。这是一个陡峭的斜坡,即使在远处看都会让人感到害怕。在这山坡前会抱着‘现在的我什么都不是’心态并变得非常谦虚。抱着‘看看会发生什么吧’的好奇心出发。在这陡峭的斜坡默默的踩着脚踏板前进。如雨的汗,凹凸的道路以及威胁着自行车的粗俗的汽车,这些都变消失,感官变得及其单纯。尖叫的肌肉和急促的呼吸成为了这个世界的全部。 登上第一座山坡后,听了贝多芬的《第9号交响曲》。心情好到像在天空飞翔一样。现在抱着这心情往下坡出发了。下坡凉爽宜人,但也非常可怕。害怕会飞上天空。 我在서후고개(第二座山坡),명달리(第三座山坡)的山顶休息时,听了Wedance的“그저 하고 싶다는”和Ride的“ Vapour Trail”。在第四个山坡중미산骑车时听了Pavement的“ Terror Twilight”专辑。奇妙的叶子阴影落在了身体上。抱着感动骑车的关系,有种一点也觉得累的错觉。越过중미산,喝完一杯冰块满满的美式咖啡,一边放松着身体一边听着My Bloody Valentaine的‘Only Shallow’。美式咖啡和音乐很快的被血液吸收。期待已久最后的山坡—— ‘유명산’山顶。在汽车声和风声中,我们鼓掌和拥抱。 以上是跨越东部5个山丘的故事。这个故事不知道您是否喜欢。一天越过五个山丘经历感觉就象是浓缩的人生短段。听着音乐放松身心,然后再次爬上山坡,再骑向下坡。在树叶的阴影缓慢的骑行的时间里,音乐陪伴在身边。当这首歌让我心情变好,又给我打气。我毫无抵抗的被吸引进“我现在在做什么”的复杂心情中。有些人会觉得,明明是要介绍专辑,怎么在写要刊载到自行车杂志里的文章。但是如果你的反应够快,一定看出了我像传达的意思。 《DANCE POP》这张专辑可以根据不同角度来介绍。如果只从一个角度来写的话,总感觉会留下遗憾,所以很难用书面的形式来说明。我们创作的歌曲里有很多是没有任何明确的目的或标准。这和生产产品是完全不同的领域。或者仅仅是因为想做得更好。 收入了10首歌曲珍贵的专辑,诞生了。想象一下在地铁时,在放松时,在街上骑着自行车时,歌曲也在一起流淌吧。无论是在什么情况下,音乐总能施展改变我们情绪的魔术。 It is hard to categorize Wedance into any specific genre. Calling it electronic music doesn’t really work because of the big rock band like electric guitar sound. That said, simply labelling them as rock music doesn’t work either because a lot of their music is based on pre-programmed instrumental tracks. We can’t call it dance music because the sound is tangled with distortion and fuzz. We treasure being called ‘old-school’. However, rather than deliberately aiming for a retro sound, we decided that at the same time as using modern updated gear, we would also not ignore some of the valuable aspects of doing things the traditional way. For example, after sitting on a rooftop terrace all day, jotting down ideas, Wevo wrote the lyrics for the first track on the album 'Stop At Nothing'. As she watched the sunset, her mind became sharper and her emotions came out, she wrote “In no time my glazed pupils, not bloodshot were getting sharper” using a simple pencil and paper. We like to express those things through music. Emotions left in the heart that yearns for the fun things in life. The sentiment that flows through this album relates to this idea. Like the song ‘Just Want To Do It’, which is about the Skyking who ventured out on his first (and last ever) flight, just because he wanted to do it. ‘City Punk’ is about that feeling when you are out in the streets, everybody is being cautious and intimidated, making it hard to speak and act freely. There are so many things you want to do, like not ignoring those desires to play in the water fountain and to just give it a shot. ‘On a Paper’ is about having the courage to write a letter to a friend to frankly tell them how you feel, even if it is not “cool” to do so. We spent a lot of time thinking about the sound for this album and ended up using a lot of fuzz. We really wanted to avoid distortion as much as possible and aimed to make a more aggressive and destructive sound. As part of this, we developed a playing style that intentionally uses two notes which have conflicting frequency interference. It is Old School, and as far as I know, a new sound that no one else has played. You can hear it in tracks 1, 4, and10. The music Wedance has been always pursuing is explosive and in your face pop, not the gentle, played in the background type. We love music that makes our listeners move. Our new album ‘DANCEPOP’ is full of songs we love. It doesn't matter whether or not these songs are the Dance Pop that people usually think of. We just wanted to get the listeners' hearts pumping and blow their minds. You might feel betrayed if you are imagining some popular, traditional Dance Pop songs, but from the beginning, this is what we think of as dance-pop. Ironically, this Dance Pop album will likely be enjoyed more by people who prefer City ‘PUNK’ rather than City ‘POP’.
