Bach Flower Music

Bach Flower Music

  • 流派:Easy Listening 轻音乐
  • 语种:英语
  • 发行时间:2004-01-01
  • 类型:录音室专辑
  • 歌曲
  • 歌手
  • 时长


You can use Bach Flower Music for three main things... 1. Balance your emotions when you're stressed or anxious. 2. Tap into your inner knowledge to create what you want. 3. Increase your prosperity Bach Flower Music is 38 pieces of music that correspond to 38 healing flower remedies produced by British physician Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's. Dr. Bach found that with balance, the body, mind and spirit heal themselves. So he identified 38 plant and flower remedies that produce balance. The Bach Flower Music produces similar balance. But it can also help you "heal" your finances, relationships and business problems. Because the music can activate your right brain creative imagination - the part of you that finds fresh solutions and new ideas. Right brain creativity is the domain of writers, musicians and inventors. Napoleon Hill, who spent 25 years talking to the most successful people in the world, said: "The great leaders of business, industry, finance, and the great artists, musicians, poets, and writers became great, because they developed the faculty of creative imagination." - Think and Grow Rich The Bach Flower Music Kit is a 2-CD set... CD #1: - How the music works - How to find the music you need - Includes a Remedy Finder CD #2: - 38 Bach Flower Music remedy pieces. - Music styles include: Blues, bluegrass, Brazilian, classical, country, East Indian, Forties, Irish, Jamaican, Japanese, and jazz. Bach Flower Music pieces feed your inner needs. They give inspiration and hope when life looks down or impossible. They give courage in the face of fear. And remind us of our abilities when we forget them. "Your music is a blessing. My great niece died from sudden cardiac arrest and this week has been a horrible nightmare. I came home and turned on Star of Bethlehem, Agrimony, then Aspen. It worked so well I was up half the night watching the full moon and reveling in the beauty of the play of light and earth. Thank you so much." - J. Cozart "At the start a business meeting, we play a Bach Flower Music piece. It helps everyone get on the same wavelength, and our meetings go a lot smoother." - R. Lester "I am amazed at the power of Bach Flower Music. Instead of losing a day's work when my energies were low, I quickly shifted to a confident state that sparked my creativity, and finished what I needed to do." - A. Arnold
